greg game

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Nope. But veeeery close

Wrong guesses:
Mea Culpa
Weeping Willows
Hollywood Brass
Big Middle
Spark Of Life
Nesting Dolls
its eather 'Snakes' or 'Unbearable' (i think)

they really are my last guesses
lol You changed your post on me when you added Unbearable so I had to edit my post. Anyways, yeah Unbearable is right. You get the next turn. :)
you're right Cyn, i'm also sure it's spark of life when Greg looks so upset about the burnt woman
Yeah. I believe the pic that was posted is from the point where greg as to take the finger prints and grissom tells him to take a break. *pumps fist at getting it on the first guess* I'm good at this game! :D

Edit: Should I wait til we get confirmation from the person who posted the pic that I guessed right before I post my pic?
Re: Edit Yep you have to wait till the orginial person who posted the pic gives you the go ahead. ;)
Thanks much Destiny. *gathers pics whilst waiting*

miko: lol Yes my memory for anything involving greg is amazing isn't it? :lol:
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