greg game

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Someone clicked NM button if said person could please email me as to why i can look into it further, my email is located in my profile (just click the nicname). thanks. ;)
Okay it was actually my bad, sorry guys (the person contacted me), when i first did the edit i mis-did the code for the url and before i could submit the fix that popped in, all is well in greg game land.

With the minor problem of chatting, lets trying not to chat so much and play a bit more (Love your av or banner is chatting) (Give me a hint please is playing) ect. you get it. ;)
Also guys come one there is mysterious hints and then there is so mysterious you need a sniff hound to find it, how about narrowing it down so it doesn't take so many tries or at least require so many more hints.
Give a hint to the name of the ep, (Example if its harvest, you could always say it reminds you of the moon (since there is a harvest moon) then people would pick up where your headed or something like that, don't bring in the hounds. :lol:

As to the picture being to big, no harm done now ya know. ;)
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