Greg/Calleigh - Brightening Your Day


Lab Technician
Greg and Calleigh...just make me happy. thee're both so cute and awsom. but even they have bad days... but because i pull ships out of thin air...i believe this one accually has a flying chance. Anybody? Anybody?

So...if anyone besides me feels that this ship can take off, Have some fun!

but if not...

see how CUTE!

i even have an idea for a shipper name SaD.

Sanders and Dusquene

what are you talking about? thats a cute name, it's like some ironic twisted pile of SaDness...see, it made me smile just then! ha...ha ha.

i think they are both cute, and maybe have an actual chance, i mean theres a ship for Greg/Ryan, so y not Greg/Calleigh. I do agree Frostbite that you do tend to pull ships out of the air lol but thats fine, i mean heck some might even catch on.
they are catching on! how do you think SSD is getting spread? i am very ill indeed with the Shipper Syndrome Disease.

seriously, is Greg/Calleigh catching on? are you thinking this may have a chance if in some cosmic way they did another crossover eppy with LV and Miami that the two would hit it off? i do, and i think you do too, deep down in the ground where the dead men go...sorry i'm listening to The Pogues, lyric just seamed to fit.

love the SaDness, 'cause they love you...

OMG that's awsom! that should totally be like their special phrase if we decide to go with SaD!

if people can go for Greg/Ryan i dont see why people wouldnt be attracted to Greg/Calleigh, they are both very well-liked characters and people should want to ship the characters they like....idk if that makes any sense now that ive said it lol
if Calleigh and Greg got together, how whould they met? would it be some sort of confrence? because i could totally see they sitting next to eachother if they went to the same one. Greg would start drawing cartoons about blowing up the leturer and show the pretty blonde woman sitting next to him and she would stiffle a laugh. one thing would lead to another and soon Calleigh and Greg would drawing cartoon conversations, holding in laughter and pissing off the people around them.

omg yes! thats so Greg, he would be bored out of his mind maybe even making hand signals at Calleigh to get her attn from across the room maybe? =]
I couldnìt sleep, so I came back here and... what do I find? Calleigh and Greg's Thread (lol, my faithful CaRWash fingers just wrote Ryan instead of Greg :lol:)!
I can't say this has any possibility to become a likely ship, but I do like the idea... a Bullet Girl for the Lab Rat (yes, Greg will always be my beloved Lab rat :lol:).
sweet. i'm a faithful CaRWasher as well, but since i have SSD than i'm afraid this ship appeals to me. what could be better? Lab Rat, Bullet Girl...they both brighten up my day that's for sure.

what if Greg went for a surf trip in Miami and their was a murder on the beach and while Greg was trying to calm everyone down *which all the girls would to imediatly than sigh* Calleigh would come up to him and start freaking out at him, asking him what he thought he was doing, than when he tells her he's a crimanalist, she shuts up and just mutter an 'oh' to herself.

haha that would be halarious.
