Greatest Series Finales

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In this day and age where you hope to see a series get a proper send-off, what shows do you think had the greatest ending to it.

For me, the greatest one had to be the finale of Newhart. I am not a big fan of making a series to be a figment of someone's imagination, but to make Bob Newhart's second television series a dream of his character in his first TV series, The Bob Newhart Show, was just genius. "You won't believe this dream I had. I was an innkeeper in this crazy town in Vermont." A great ending to a great series.
Newhart's was very funny; great guest star cameo. Other great finales were:
The Fugitive - The look on his face outside the courtroom, when the police officers were getting out of their car, is priceless.
Mary Tyler Moore
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Quantum Leap - Still too many questions left unanswered.
The Tonight Show starring Johnny Carson
Wasn't The Fugitive the first one to have a true "series finale"? Also, Quantum Leap was supposed to be a season finale, but they revamped it to a series finale when they realized the show wasn't going to be renewed (I would have loved to see what Al was going to be like with four daughters). Benson had a really odd way of ending its series, where they fade to black as the winner of the gubernatorial race between Benson and Gatling is being announced.
Of the ones I have seen, I'd have to say Arrested Development. I think, unlike some of my other favorite shows, the finale was just as great (if not better) than some of the best episodes of the series. It wrapped a lot of storelines up, had a lot of surprises and was all around pretty great. I hated seeing it go but it was nice seeing it go out just as great as when it was on...even though FOX totally crapped all over it.
I don't know if the Fuge was the first, but it was the highest rated until the MASH finale.
Great thread idea! :D

I gotta go with ANGEL. I think it perfectly encapsulated what the show was all about, summed it up, and managed to go out with a scene that really said it all, while ensuring that the audience knew that the characters lived on long after the show ended. No series finale has ever left me looking at a whole show and thinking, "Damn, that was awesome" the way ANGEL did it.
I liked very much "Six Feet Under" finale.
As Clair drives from L.A. to N.Y.,you could see the future and the way all the main characters die while listening to "Breathe Me" by Sia.
I found it great and touching,it was nice to see what happened to all of them.
Definitely Seinfeld. Who expected the final moments of the final episode to be spent in a prison cell with all four them reminiscing about what happened to them in the past episodes of the nine seasons. Plus, they brought back a slew of old characters to testify aganist them in court & that was awesome.
Hormiga said:
I liked very much "Six Feet Under" finale.
As Clair drives from L.A. to N.Y.,you could see the future and the way all the main characters die while listening to "Breathe Me" by Sia.
I found it great and touching,it was nice to see what happened to all of them.

I had totally forgotten about that! Those last ten minutes were like the best montage EVER. And I didn't think it could get any more sad then when Nate died. :( It was a good sad though.

jorja_fan86 said:
Definitely Seinfeld. Who expected the final moments of the final episode to be spent in a prison cell with all four them reminiscing about what happened to them in the past episodes of the nine seasons. Plus, they brought back a slew of old characters to testify aganist them in court & that was awesome.

I actually didn't like Seinfeld's too much. Don't get me wrong, I LOVED the show and the finale had some great moments but I think it was a letdown ultimately. I did think it was neat that the conversation George and Jerry have in the jail cell about his shirt button is the exact same one verbatim they had in the first episode though.
I have pretty shaky memories, often I haven't realised it's series finale. But Quantum Leap is one to remember. I thought it wasplain wrong. How could they do that to...Scott's character :(