I’m always a couple of days day behind! Lol
Not the best episode, but it was saved by the character’s interaction!
Way too many underwater scenes and way too many close-ups on the DBs. .
Where is Adam?
Why I say that the characters saved this episode: it was an example of beautiful chemistry & dynamic: Stella & Flack, Danny & Hawkes, Stella – Mac, Danny – Flack – Hawkes, Mac – Flack… I wish they would mix them more.
Was this “snap at Lindsay casual day”? lol First Mac, then Danny. “You’re giving us a history lesson?” lool Mac’s right! Lindsay, get over yourself! They should give those trivia scenes to Hawkes! He can deliver the lesson without being annoying.
Flack : “between sheets exploration” LMAO
OMG! They remembered Louie! Does that mean that he’s alive & we’ll hear from him this season? Now TPTB, what about Papa Flack? Think the continuity fairy can do a little something about him?
Loved the Danny – Hawkes scene after the rescue. Danny being cute : “was it you’re first kiss?” “don’t make me laugh!” loool
Flack being worried is adorable! He almost stormed into the scene to check on them! And his turn to make Hawkes laugh : “some guys would do anything for an early pension" lol I love them!
Lindsay is still Lindsay! She was easier on the eye in “Can you hear me now?”.
I’m sure that being in the lab was much worst than being underwater in person! Now comfort her, Danny!
Since Danny does nada to comfort her, she asks about Hawkes.. I thought that TPTB wants the public to like her. Why are they making her like this then?
And “casual snap at Lindsay day” continues: “Stop goofing off! We’ve got work to do!” She smiled, so I guess she saw it as a joke. She smiled but he didn’t! That’s good!
If this is how they are going to do it, the D/L thingy could be tolerable.
Drew… is already halfway to stalkerland! Run Stella, run!
I love it when Flack calls Stella & Danny nicknames: Stell, Danno etc…
Noticed Danny smiling around Hawkes, Don, Stella & Mac so the bad mood from 401 comes and goes?
Flack got tackled. Ouch!
The guy deserves what Mac did to him!
Loved seeing Rambo!Stella again! She is gorgeous!
Speaking of gorgeous: Flack! He’s been getting more screen time in 401 & 402! And I loved those close-ups on him!
The Mac – Danny – Flack scene with the perp was priceless. Again, this is the reason I still watch this show: the characters! They are family! Mac being pissed off, Danny says “Mac ... easy!”, but he does nada to save the perp! He worries about the door and covers the view with his body! How beautiful was that! Pure love & loyalty right there! And some more of that when Flack comes in! Beautiful again!
Danny seemed scared for a sec until he saw that the person coming in was Don!
Yeah, it’s save! Just Don, nothing to worry about!
And Flack looking down at the perp & talking to Mac like he saw nothing bad! lol He even gets Mac to leave the room. Again pure loyalty! Flack, you’re made of love baby!
Super!Flack is too hot for words! Looks like the self confident attitude from 401 is still here!
And I loved the final scene between Danny & Hawkes! No need to say thank you when you have love and trust, is there? Awww! And it was Hawkes turn to make a joke! Beyond cute! lol
Going back to CoTP to quote Stella : “Mac, that's what we do. We take care of each other.”