Grade 'Summer in the City'

Vanessa's left nostril is my Boogie Man.

See? The writers agree with everything we've said in the Anti Danny thread. He's a man child.
Eh, average ep (which for CSIs means still enjoyable). For some reason, I didn't see the preview for next week. Any indication of Aiden's storyline for next week?
Well, I gave it a B-. It was decent and OK and had some equal character time, but is certainly didn't blow me out of the water!

Mac was being tough with Hawkes, but it went over well. I just see Mac as a tough teacher but one of the best you'd have...........I wish he'd smile more though.........

I OBVIOUSLY need to read the spoilers for this season because I am LOST about the whole Aiden scenarios!
The episode it's self was good, I really like the new look of everything, it had one problem though, I really wasn't expecting that for Aiden. She seems a lot smarter than that, but at least she's not dead I guess.