Grade 'Silent Night'

I'm honestly not getting the whole relationship thing either. It is by far the longest most drawn out piece of shit I've seen in a while, though it was quite lovely to see Mac in that type of setting. At least when Horatio has grief hards, they don't last FOREVER! I find myself almost restless when they are both on screen, and not in a good way. I just want the shit to be done with already.

I couldn't agree more!
*stuffs ears full of cotton* I am not listening to your hate; I am floating towards heaven, having DIED OF GLEE.

I loved *everything* about this episode, but nothing more than the scene with Mac & Peyton.

Now, I don't like Peyton on her own. Not at all. But I like Mac. And I like Mac having a relationship, unfolding on my screen, which involves hugs and tender kisses and heartfelt confessions, so it doesn't matter who they're for.

I'm especially not listening to anyone gripe about Lindsay. Yes, I cringed when she not only left the crime scene but then snapped at Stella when confronted, acting like she'd done nothing wrong... but I forgave that. I have done the same type of thing. I can sympathize with her emotional state, and maybe that's why I like her. When she broke down in autopsy, I kind of wanted to cry too, even without knowing the specifics.

This is one of the rare times in history where I was actually drawn into the cases as much as the main characters. Marlee Matlin...was that the mother of deaf girl/baby? Wow. She gave a compelling performance.
Sacha Cohen really grinds my gear. I dunno why they had her in the episode & seeing her skate to that music at the end made my stomach turn. I'm sorry, but I cannot look at her without thinking of that time when Natalie Portman parodied(sp) her on Weekend Update on an episode of SNL...

"Two peanuts are walking down the street. One is assaulted" *cue curtesy* :lol: Good times.

Man, I have to echo whoever said that Marlee Matlin was fucking amazing. I loved her on Seinfeld & I loved her tonight. She's amazing!

I loved seeing rambo!Stella, especially the whole friend vs. boss situation when it came to Lindsay. *rawr*. I love her so much, so much it hurts. Melina is amazing.

Man, if that's Lindsay's dark secret it's pretty lame. I thought she'd have a third nipple or whatever but nope, nothing. If I have to wait till sweeps next year I'm gonna go crazy.

Pretty good episode, but not the best. I give it a B-. Now excuse me while I go work on my triple axel.
I think most will agree Marlee Matlin rocked. She's a wonderful actress. And - stop the presses - I've been somewhat converted on Peyton. I thought the end scene was nice ... maybe I just love watching Gary Sinise be all tender, but there you go.

The whole skater thing was blech. I'm still intrigued by the Lindsay thing ... I'm thinking sorority massacre or something; we'll see. Having sympathy for Anna - I remember the puffy face phase, and the swelled feet that went with it.

Anyway, gave it a B. Was OK.
I truly enjoyed watching this week’s episode of CSI:NY; the interconnection of everyone’s emotions as well as the forensic science was delicately balanced. Sometimes there are not real words to express meaningful things in life; we each have our own special love language called understanding. Great Job!!!! Grade A++ :)
I wanted to yell "Get Grissom there" lol...this ep made me think of Sound of Silence. He comes in handy on cases like this.

I hope they do something cool with Lindsay's case like having the perp come back to haunt her or something...try for something unique.

Gah, I want Peyton locked up somewhere for a long time while M/S declare their love...*ahem* I'll save it for shipper thread.

I'll say maybe B-
I really liked this episode. Of course, I'll have to watch it again, uninterrupted, tomorrow before I grade it.

Let's start with Lindsay: Flaking out at the crime scene - strange. Stella trying to help her and Lindsay turning her down. Good for Stella to go all "boss" on her. Bloody, dead bodies. Lindsay mentioning she was the only survivor. All her friends were dead. Breaking down in autopsy. What was that?

I seriously doubt this is the complete story of her dark secret. I think this was just the beginning and it will all be revealed in ep 13 and 14 with her talking to Mac in ep 14 and him telling her he already knows and then she takes a leave of absence.

I also wonder if Danny and Lindsay not having scenes together has anything to do with Anna's pregnancy or if that was the original storyline. It makes sense either way. I'm sure Mac picked up on them in Love Run Cold. Maybe he's keeping them working together at a minimum until she gets her life sorted out. **here's to hoping TPTB have decided to scrap the DL thing**

On to Mac/Peyton: I was almost in tears at the end. Yay for Mac. I see potential for him and Peyton. I wouldn't mind them staying together. Hopefully this will get him to open up and let the rest of the team know about their relationship.

Not nearly enough Danny and Flack for me. Although, the time they did have was great.

Like I said earlier, I need to rewatch again before I can grade and I'm sure I'll have more to say too. When you're on a live chat during the episode, you tend to miss things.
i loved it!! so good...i can not say too much, i am studying for an exam...

but, i do not understand those who say "thats it?" to lindseys secret...with her picturing all those bloody bodies? that was messed...and i realize now how good the continuity of her character is now, she always started to act funny whenever there was a death of a YOUNG FEMALE...

i loved the scene with mac at the end...he deserves to be loved :)
Im new here. Just to confirm something. So lindsay is leaving, on maternity leave. Anybody got any idea how long she will leave? And what is with her and danny? Im really really really lost here.
I'll be back with something of greater substance tomorrow. Just finished watching. All I've gotta say is that among the guest stars, thank God Marlee Matlin and Claire Forlani can act their asses off because Sasha Cohen sure the f*** can't.
1CSIMfan said:
I really liked this episode. Of course, I'll have to watch it again, uninterrupted, tomorrow before I grade it.

Let's start with Lindsay: Flaking out at the crime scene - strange. Stella trying to help her and Lindsay turning her down. Good for Stella to go all "boss" on her. Bloody, dead bodies. Lindsay mentioning she was the only survivor. All her friends were dead. Breaking down in autopsy. What was that?

I seriously doubt this is the complete story of her dark secret. I think this was just the beginning and it will all be revealed in ep 13 and 14 with her talking to Mac in ep 14 and him telling her he already knows and then she takes a leave of absence.

Me too, though, i kinda hope that it turns out to be something like, she flipped out cos of all the exam stress and in a moment of madness, killed them all.

That won't be the case, but i'm guessing it's going to be better than what they're hinting at.
I thought this episode was pretty good. The skater story was ok; not great, but the other story was awesome. Marlee Matlin is fantastic and the story was great.

They started to clue us in on the Lindsay backstory. Finally! I am bewildered at people thinking that seeing a group of your friends being murdered and you being the only survivor is no big deal. Or that Lindsay being traumatized by it is lame. If it was one of the other characters would the attitude be different? Poor Anna Belknap. I hope she doesn't come here and read how people bash her character. I'd be really hurt if it was me.

Not enough Flack, but then there never is. But there will be some great screencaps of him in the car. And how he went and got the baby out of the car. That was so cool! And it looks like they darkened Danny's hair. It seems like they can't decide how they want him to look. At least in this episode he doesn't look like he has a dirty face with that unshaven look. It seemed a bit more trimmed up tonight.

The Mac and Peyton scene was sweet. I didn't like her at first and I'm still trying to get used to her but if we can't see Flack or Danny or Hawkes get some lovin' then I guess we'll have to settle for Mac.
sparkleshoes said:
1CSIMfan said:
I really liked this episode. Of course, I'll have to watch it again, uninterrupted, tomorrow before I grade it.

Let's start with Lindsay: Flaking out at the crime scene - strange. Stella trying to help her and Lindsay turning her down. Good for Stella to go all "boss" on her. Bloody, dead bodies. Lindsay mentioning she was the only survivor. All her friends were dead. Breaking down in autopsy. What was that?

I seriously doubt this is the complete story of her dark secret. I think this was just the beginning and it will all be revealed in ep 13 and 14 with her talking to Mac in ep 14 and him telling her he already knows and then she takes a leave of absence.

Me too, though, i kinda hope that it turns out to be something like, she flipped out cos of all the exam stress and in a moment of madness, killed them all.

That won't be the case, but i'm guessing it's going to be better than what they're hinting at.

that is what i felt like doing in the library today, to those people who would not shut up when i was studying!! :lol:
it's my first time to be on this grading thread--so if I kinda screwed bad.

i loved the episode because of Marlee Matlin's performance--the case that they came up for her was perfect! the sensitive issues about being deaf was almost all covered from the murderer that considers his deafness as a stigma to the family that embraces it and deals. Loved the recreation scene with the rifle and the vibrations!

Sacha Cohen--hmmm--like her as a skater...but emphasis on SKATER...sorry don't see any emmy trophies to go along with those olympic medals in her future.
The skating one had potential, but it seemed like a copout ending just to get the case over with. They could have made it a stalker fan or a pervert or something interesting, but it was really abrupt.
--must agree with wwiflyingace17 on this's like TPTB went "hmm--where to put Danny, coz if we stick him with Mac then the whole team will be working one case--ah! let's stick the tough Danny Messer on the figure skating case and have Sheldon see-saw between both..." Hello?! I'm sure they could have come up with a better story line than that! On the 'rushed' feeling in the skater case its like the TPTB were thinking "oh let's show them a snow globe with a skater in it at the last scene to remind our viewers that we had TWO big named people in this episode!"--watching Sacha skate, I thought that the channel changed when I blinked and switched to the Ice Capades or something...

About Lindsay's secret--well I became a D/L shipper after "Not What It Looks Like" (and I still am) but I kinda got the drift when I read the following episode titles like "Hung Out To Dry" and "Love Runs Cold"...but after the build up about the freakin past she had, it was kinda let down just being given a glimpse of it and making me assume that Lindsay was involved in a "Carrie-gone wild" thing in Montana--gotta hand it to the writers though, didn't see that coming...original but hey--everyone knows about the 'Carrie' prom scene already.

OH and gotta mention Stella's "friend to boss" transformation--brilliantly executed! You could almost see her claws come out on that one!

I think I gotta get my tv checked out--swear to the heavens in "Silent Night"--my channel changed from CSI:NY to the ice capades and "Carrie"--but gotta hand it to Marlee Matlin...she was their MAJOR saving grace....B+
ok first off... Midnight ....thank made my night as well. I agreed with most of what you said. And heck, I just needed to laugh after the week I've had and well that was great thanks:) I'd pay good money to see Danny at a carnival/circus..."oooh shiny" lol. i have a feeling that Mac and Stella would need one on those kiddy-leashes (you know the ones that parents attach to the wrists of their child as to not lose them at large fairs). anyways on to the actual case...

Can I just say, Sasha Cohen should stick to figure skating because though she gave it an admirable try, she can't act. I mean, if I were to find a dead girl who was my best friend, I would do more than just say "help me, call 911" I'd most likely be screaming bloody mirder and showing some emotion. Marlee Matlin was AWESOME in this episode!

Now on to Mac and Peyton. I wasn't a fan of this pairing at first but I'm starting to warm up to it. I liked the scene at the end where he "spoke with his eyes" (some how i just knew that line would come up later in the episode). then again I am a total romantic.

I do agree, they should have Anna written out of the cases by now because the fact that she'd pregnant is really very obvious and the fact that they arent recognizing it on the show is just painful...I mean they are CSI's after all. The glimpse into her past was nice, now we know a bit of what she is dealing with but it's still not enough. Hopefully the PTB dont leave it till sweeps to divulge the rest. Also I think it was a bit OOC how she snapped at Stella, but given the stress she was under (what with the flashbacks and all) I guess that can be forgiven. I really wanted to see some D/L in this one but maybe we'll get that before Lindsay leaves (are they sending her on vacation or something??).

Bravo Stella, way to use the boss card! She treated Lindsay's cold response with an equally cold one. and I loved the "kiddo" respose near the end.

I could go on but my response was meant to be shorter as I have a final tomorrow morning and should be studying for that and my other

I gave it an A- because I did like the episode, it wasn't one of the better ones and Sasha's acting brought down the rating.