I forgot. The one thing that confused the hell out of me was when Mac was first talking to Leonard. He was explaining fires he set in the mid to late 90's and showing Hawkes and Lindsay processing scenes. Were we supposed to believe they were the ones processing the old fires or were they processing the current fire?
I took it forgranted that it was just flashing to Lindsey and Hawkes processing the current scene but it being the same trace and evidence that had been recovered from the fires set in the 90's.
Right, I can't promise too much of a coherent review as I'm writing it off the cuff shortly after seeing it and my brain isn't quite forming proper words yet :lol: In a nutshell I thought it was awesome and brilliantly done. Really the only quibble I have with it is that I have no idea about what month or even year we're supposed to be in as it's "6 months later" but still shirt-sleeves weather outside so clearly not Nov/Dec like it should be.... But ah well, such timeline anomalies I've kind of gotten used to at this point
I think what struck me the most was the ease of the episode. It had a flow, a naturalness, a believability, an un-forced quality to it with everything from the acting to the cinematography. It didn't feel like I was watching scenes playing out on a set like a lot of the past 3-4 seasons have, instead it seemed way more like the early days in the reality of the streets and the lighting and the locations. And the cast seemed really relaxed and natural too. I'm not sure if this is all due to the fact that pretty much everyone is going on the assumption that s9 really is the last one (no matter what the exec producers might say in interviews) and there's a "to hell with it, let's have fun and go for it" perspective, or things really have gotten properly back in sync for the first time in ages. Whatever the reason, I'm loving every last second, and if this episode is a portend of what is to come (and based on the promo for next week I'm daring to say it is), this is going to be one of their best seasons yet.
Now to comment on specifics that jumped out at me....
- I about fell off the couch at the beginning with Mac getting out of shower and then dressed all in casual clothes and looking like he's clearly still recovering and not back to full strength :devil:
- Flack playing "ref" between Danny and Adam had me outright laughing, and the way he got the firefighter to honestly think his mother was dead was brilliant :lol: I've missed Don Flack
He was so awesome the entire ep, and I really did like how he treated Leonard. It made for the perfect balance to Mac's attitude and made the whole dynamic absolutely brilliant. And I love how he was so unapologetic about it all too, and that for all Mac took a somewhat more understanding approach to Leonard, he clearly didn't take the slightest issue with Flack taking the threatening and derisive edge that he did.
- Lindsey and Sid arguing was superb and one of those scenes which just
worked and didn't feel in the least bit staged. I actually liked Lindsey in this ep
- Danny being the one to start the fight after the hockey game was perfect, and I LOL'd when Lindsey just hid her face :guffaw:
- And a HUGE thing that I liked and was really really nervous about ahead of time was the whole "memory loss" thing. Thank god it wasn't actually memory loss! I was utterly impressed and beyond relieved when it transpired that Mac actually has a type of aphasia that really is common in patients who have suffered some sort of anoxic brain injury. Typically this type of aphasia is seen in people who have suffered a stroke, but the basic physiology that one's brain has been denied oxygen and suffered some sort of damage is essentially the same as when Mac went into cardiac arrest in the s8 finale. And what really impressed me the most is how accurate they were in portraying exactly how it felt to him to know what an object or thing was, but be unable to come up with the word for it. I've seen it a lot in the patients I've taken. Imagine the most frustrating form of having a word "on the tip of your tongue" but you can't ever get it out without a direct prompt. And him at the end coming up with a way to cope and manage this deficit so no one would know what he was struggling with was absolutely heartbreaking. True memory loss wouldn't have worked. This type of aphasia and lasting deficit does perfectly for so many reasons (medical and in relation to his character).
- The crime plot and twists and intrigue were great. Neither overworked nor stupidly simplistic, and I liked how the episode wasn't a cliffhanger per se but is clearly leading in to a much darker chapter 2. And speaking of which, the promo to next week's ep was seriously disturbing! If they pull it off with the visceral rawness that the promo indicated, NY is for sure going back to their dark/gritty/no-punches-pulled identity. I love it! (even though being burned alive is probably the thing that terrifies me the most....)
- I so like Mac and Christine together. When the building exploded with the chief inside and Mac was outside and could nothing more than essentially watch his friend die in front of him as glass and debris reined down, all I could think was, "How many times does this poor man have to go through this?
" And then there was the funeral, and the number of people close to him that Mac has had to see buried.... I wanted to beat the writers for making him go through it again. But then it when it cut to him and Christine was standing next to him, her hand in his, I realized it was also the first time in
years that he hasn't had to cope alone and that made me so incredibly happy
I'm really impressed with how the writers have developed their relationship and their interactions with each other. The brief scene of her with him at the hospital was so *happy-sad-squishy-hug-oh Mac!*
Yes, I'm in happy land from the type and amount of Mac in this episode, in case anyone can't tell :lol:
But it wasn't just Mac. All the characters were great. I adored Flack, I actually liked Lindsey, Adam, Danny and Sid were great, and even Hawkes managed to not be actively annoying. I loved the feel of the scenes, the atmosphere, the dark implications for next week.... yep, I'm one happy person right now