Grade 'Past Imperfect'


Premium Member
The first of the last four eps of the season! :cool: What did you think?
this episode was really good. i didnt expect the ending and it got me all excited to see what is going to happen next....i really didnt see this coming.....
Fantastic episode. Next episode looks good as well. I'll most likely add more right now I just finished watching it.
That was a great eppy but Mac owes Adam an apology :p
Adam didn't do anything wrong and yelling at him just plain mean. Loved Stella standing for him though.

The scene Mac and Don had was great!!
Danny was great at the boardwalk.

Can't wait to find out what really happened on that roof!
Just watched the episode so I'll be back later :D
This is not the first time that Mac has lost his temper in an entirely inappropriate fashion in front of his staff. He has a shitty way of dealing with stress.
You slay me, midnight. :lol:

Good episode--why can't they all be like that? Excellent guest casting--Joey did a phenomenal job. He was looking quite evil at points. :)

The cases were good, but I was hoping for more of a mention of Louie. :(

I loved Hawkes in scrubs--it's good to see him doing the Doctor-thing sometimes. :D I also liked when he was acting a bit child-like on the boardwalk. ;)

The confrontation between Mac and Flack toward the beginning was good as well. I liked the way the camera stayed close to Flack and followed him as he moved (yeah, just thought I'd mention that ;)). It was nice to see that they are still dealing with the feelings from "Consequences"--but the way Flack said 'what are we gonna do?' was perfect. They are all going to have to work together. :)

I'm glad that we finally found out the HIV results for Stella--those scenes with Adam were great. I felt bad for Adam when Mac jumped down his throat, though--Mac, I know you're pissed, but the guy doesn't respond well to being shouted at. Remember the bullying thing? (Ok, Mac wasn't there, but still.) :(

*cough*Total Adam/Stella plot bunnies, by the way.*cough* ;)

I'm glad they found that girl alive, but you know she's going to need serious therapy after that--but why did he kidnap her and not kill her like the others? :confused:

I knew the ending was coming--but it was still a bit of a 'holy shite!' moment. :p I'm looking forward to seeing the next few episodes.

Definitely a good episode, but I want to rewatch it tomorrow. ;)

Next week: BUBBA!!! :lol:
Great episode! Loved the scenes between Flack/Mac, excellent writing/acting. Nice continuity, bringing up "Consequences", and both men standing up for what they believed in, but great to see a meeting of minds and everyone working together to get Dobson.

Mac...*tsk tsk* Yet another instance of letting your anger get the best of you in a case, and treating one of your staff inappropriately. I do like that they humanize him by having him do these things, but it still makes me cringe.

Loved Hawkes tonight! And finally, Stella's HIV ordeal is over, Melina did a bang-up job in the scene where she finds out the verdict.

There's no doubt in my mind that Dobson let Mac cuff him then purposely did a swan dive, but it'll be interesting seeing everything come to the forefront in the next couple of eps.

I gave it a solid A.
Loved many things about this eppy. Could Adam replace Sid in my heart? Guess my heart will have to grow larger.
Yeah, you could see the ending coming.
Also, I agree we should have heard something about Louie tonight.
Is Stella's HIV status totally in the clear now, or could it show up in a few years? I have two friends who are positive, and it didn't show up for quite a while after their exposure.
I'm gonna have to confine most of my musings to the spoiler section, but it seemed pretty good. B ep, let's say. Who was the criminal in the circus case? I was so caught up in the other case that I somehow totally missed that one.

Dobson is a total creep btw. The eye thing on the vic made me wanna go "ewww" and look away every time. lol my mom liked the ending, we were watching on different TVs cause I wanted a snack afterward, so when I come upstairs she's like "Joey jumped...splat"

I wonder about Stella too; isn't the window period like six months? Not sure how long it's actually been though.

I did notice the lack of Lindsay; I never saw her at all, must not've been paying attention then.

And interesting preview...(Bubba...hehe)