I've got to give this one an
Yes, the "out" for Mac was a little too easy and yes, it was a shame to see Sinclair and Gerrard were actually trying to take down Mac for a bit of good publicity. I would have preferred to see their motives be a bit murkier, though I don't think either is a simple cardboard villain. I think Gerrard honestly believed what he was doing and has been doing is right--he comes from a different generation, and
La Guera, I could definitely see him having worked with Flack, Sr. That would make for a great storyline.
As for Mac--well, he didn't conduct himself perfectly on that roof, and what Gerrard did with the belt wasn't completely kosher either, but neither man deserved to lose his job for it. If anything, Mac's political angling showed that they've all crossed the line in some way or another at some point. There's one side of the line (the good one, the one Mac & co. are on 99% of the time), there's the other (Truby's side, baaaad, really bad) and then there's some grey area. If anything, I think that's something Mac has learned from this whole experience. No one's perfect.
Danny's speech underscored that. These guys give a lot to do their jobs, and they don't get much in the way of thanks. And if they're not perfect all the time, well, who is? I like a little moral ambiguity.
I also must humbly thank the writers for Danny and Flack's little man-date. Seriously beyond cute. I love how Flack is always the one who can bring Danny back from his little freak outs.
I would have liked to see Danny storm out of the courtroom, rather than hear about it. The reading to himself was cute. Danny still seems a little cowed to me, but more like his old self in this episode than in almost any other (save for "Raising Shane") this season.
And, I'm sorry, but Danny and Flack sneaking looks at each other while questioning the blood thief was beyond cute.
I loved the scene with Mac and Peyton in the diner, and how it went hand-in-hand with the Danny/Flack scene in the bar. Peyton really is a sharp character, and I liked her advice to Mac to go see Truby.
We should have seen more of Truby because while he defied my expectations, I wanted to know why he had a change of heart.
McEnroe was hilarious, absolutely hilarious. I like a man who can make fun of himself--props to him for having fun with the episode!
Flack was awesome--always is and always will be. I love how he's the voice of reason in the show.