Grade 'Cold Reveal'

csiviper said:
The story about the angel was kinda far-fetched but My Awesome and Hot Mac was wonderful, that guy Gerrard is a total a**kisser because we all know Mac would have never thrown Dobson of the building, its ridiculous.

Just like Flack knew there was no way that any of his guys were dirty in "Consequences". Also, Gerard wasn't being an a**kisser, he was just doing his job. My level of respect for him grew during this episode, whereas my level of respect for Mac dropped to near zero.
I agree, Gerard was doing his job, and I didn't even remotely get the impression that it was a political thing, with him (from what we've seen so far).

On the other hand though, I didn't lose any respect for Mac. He's all too human, and despite his championing going by the book/evidence and not by your gut, he certainly does allow himself to be led by his emotions, over and over again. Perhaps he has never realized just how often he does it; he obviously is all emotion in this case so far, and I would wager he sincerely doesn't see it that way at all. I think that when all is said and done, it's going to open his eyes to alot of things (maybe one of them being, finding more effective and constructive ways of dealing with his emotions in the future :lol: )
I loved the ep. I felt it was a political thing going after Mac mainly because if the DA didn't feel it had a case then it should've been dropped. I don't think Mac could've or would've killed someone in cold blood even if he had wanted to.
I don't really think I see him getting fired if only because CSI Miami already did a firing plot...granted the plots aren't the same, but I'm just not so sure they'd wanna have two CSIs with chars getting fired and then rehired...*shrug* hard telling with writers though.

Actually there are other clues I have but I can't say them here because of spoilers.
It's another great episode from CSI:NY. Towards the end of the season they're really giving it all. I grade this an A+ again. Great episode, great cases. I really like the Tension between Mac and the 2 high-ranking officials. Stella's storyline was amazing...That guy from cold case really made me mad when he just being tough but he did a great job.
I thought it was interesting the way they started off with the two lead characters in situations where their word alone wasn't good enough to exonerate them.
We have Mac, under suspicion and being all self-righteous and assuming that because he's said it, it must be so.
Then we have Stella, also under suspicion and while not as indignant as Mac, I would still have expected her to acknowledge that proper procedure still had to be followed.

Neither of them seemed to realize that just because they wear a badge, that doesn't mean they can be assumed to be telling the truth. And considering they deal with liars every day, I'm surprized that they didn't acknowledge that an investigation still had to be run.

It was a bit ridiculous to me, Scotty letting Stella go anywhere near the evidence. I know that we the audience are supposed to be on Stella's side, but he doesn't know her and for all he knows she could be offering to help solely to make sure he doesn't find out the truth.

The timeline screw-up didn't register with me. I did notice that the foster mother looked waaaay too young.
But would it really have changed the storyline much for to have made it 15 or 20 years since the clothes were found?
to quote Top41:
...but only because the stuff with Mac and the internal investigation was so incredibly well done.

Exactly. It was well-acted and it was nice to see Mac off his pedestal for once. I love Mac, but he is way too holier-than-thou. His interactions with his former Forrest Gump buddy were superb. It was nice to see them together again.

The whole Stella thing, like many have said, was confusing. Mainly the time line, but also her interactions with Scotty. It doesn't seem believable (to me) that he would be as trusting w/a suspect as he was with her. Danny sticking up for her and helping her was great.
Faylinn said:
Adam and Hawkes: Mathy-mathy-math! Whee!
Lindsay: Ugh, just give me an answer.

LMAO. I loved the scenes w/Adam and Hawkes. They were great. It was fun to realize even more how much Adam is a lab geek (make sense?). Yes, as usual, Lindsay--get to the damn point so that I don't have to cringe for too long. I am afraid my face is going to freeze that way if I have to do it much longer. :lol:
The episode was good. It was interesting to see a little more from Stellas past. She's again confronted with what happened with Frankie. Like in 'Open and shut' it has influence on her job. Melina - great as always.

For Mac... hmm I'm not sure but for me it was him who exaggerated a bit and not IAB(??). Just because he's Mac Taylor they shouldn't even think about an investigation. I like Mac but i don't know why is he so pissed that they're doing their job. His situation is kinda similar to Dannys in 'OTJ' but Mac is the boss and he's outraged that they're questioning his actions at all and he has to defend himself. But that Danny tried to save his job and career then that was for Mac a reason to tread him so sharply... There's a small step to hypocrisy here....

Gary did a good job in this episode like in the last one. He's a fantastic actor.
I liked this episode. I love the episodes where there is a lot of chracter interactions.

Question...does anyone know where I can find screencaps of this episode? (Not specific scenes...) Because csi-caps is not working for me.

Just because of Mac's story. I really like it that they're finally showing us that Mac is only human too; he does have some bad character traits! I'm now really looking forward to see what happens to him next week.

The 'angel' case was nothing more than a warning against dare-devil-stunts and could've been left out imo to give some more attention to Stella's case and her past.

I didn't think the time-line in Stella's case was off, it was just the age of the foster mother that was wrong. I do believe there were too many conveniences there. a) Stella remembering the exhibition b) Mindy closing her past -killing her abusive foster dad and leaving town-, but she forgets a whole box of personal stuff at her office c) Stella's blood being in Codis and at the clothes of the vic (what happened to his body btw?!).

Where we suppose to believe Stella gave her blood sister a day's notice because she saved Stella from becoming an abuse victim by running away from the foster home which led to Stella having to leave the foster home too??? I didn't understand that at all!
these days they just try to make things interesting by involving the main characters into the cases, to the point where it's getting boring. A good episode is where the cases are interesting, not when the people in it are.

They could have cleared Mac by simply dusting the handcuffs and they should find dobson's prints on it. If Mac really did push him off after he cuffed him, he wouldn't have touched the cuffs.
I had mixed feelings about this episode. The back story on Stella was nice and it shows just how deeply the whole HIV scare has changed her. She says it herself to Victoria/Erin/Mindy, a few months ago, Stella wouldn't have even hesitated to bring V.E.M in for the murder, blood sister or not, abused victim or not. She would have recommended leniency based on the abuse or whatever, but Stella would never have shown up the day before to warn the suspect of a pending arrest. It will be interesting to see where they take this 'softer' Stella.
Mac. Now I gotta say, the way he behaved in this episode I wanted to smack him! I love the way Sinclair pointed out to him that it's different when you're on the other side of the badge. I mean this is the guy that fired Aiden because she 'thought' about doing something stupid. In his words because the integrity of the lab was paramount. And then he goes off half cocked and expects everyone to say "Oh well, it's Mac...he's a saint with a gun. He would never do that." Yeah right! I mean the whole thing could have been avoided if he'd used some sense in the first damn place. I mean Clay Dobson may have been a flight risk, but he didn't even know that they'd found the girl. Mac wouldn't even have had to wait for backup, Flack WAS RIGHT THERE! Flack has as much vested interest in Dobson's arrest as Mac but no...Mr-I-play-by-the-rules, takes off like a bat out of hell, corners the suspect on a roof with no witnesses, beats him up and cuffs him only to have said psycho step off the roof and conveniently frame Mac. I got to say, Mac really set himself up on that one. And now, he's running around town with a 'oh woe is me...they're out to get me' attitude which is downright annoying.
Fantastic acting all around though. I must hand to Sinise his portrayal of Mac is just so believable.
I liked Scotty but I was missing Lily a bit :)

these greish cases they are having lately are really cool. its something different not so fairy tale like - so black & white

but this was pretty personal episode for Mac and for Stella. I enjoy epis like this

the cold case was interesting and Melina was great, especially in the last scene

as for Mac I was totally on the chief of whatever side considering the investigation. I mean I like Mac but he would look like a hypocrite if he would be against it in these circumstances. the political part was completly lost on me - for various reasons. and the last scene with the father was really strong. Im curious where they are heading with this.

Adam and Flack were great great great