Grade 'Buzzkill'

I think you're right! That was the club where Danny and Angell tracked down Vanessa's bodyguard and where they didn't serve tequila shots, wasn't it?

I would never have noticed that the club was used before, though... :lol:
LivingEnd said:
I think you're right! That was the club where Danny and Angell tracked down Vanessa's bodyguard and where they didn't serve tequila shots, wasn't it?

I would never have noticed that the club was used before, though... :lol:

Yeh that the one! :rolleyes: Erm I... I just remembered the name I had no idea what the ep was though or the details....honest :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :lol:
I enjoyed the episode but I think the cases would have somehow worked better in episodes for themselves., they were both too twisteed.

but I really like the atcing - Don in the interogations, Danny in the hospital. Stella & Lindsay in the last scene, Sid out of the morgue

and lets hope this is the end of creepy stalker guy - I like Kerr Smith but Drew just annoys me
Flack, where the hell do you go to buy your fugly ties? I think you may have a problem with stripe and dots coordination here.

maybe now its become an inside joke, and they have been finding the ugliest ties possible...
privatename said:
See I thought that when Danny and the fake boyfriend were talking to the doctor and the fake boyfriend used his phone to supposedly call the girl's mother he was calling his partner to relay what the emergency room doctor had just said which was something along the lines of her surgery would be in the morning and the neurosurgeon Dr. blahblah would be better able to tell if the bullet could be removed safely. Anyway, that is how I thought the kidnapper knew which doctor to kidnap/kill/threaten (?), but he wasn't at his office so they kidnapped his brother instead.

Oh, okay that makes sense. Thanks. I've got a touch of the flu so my focus is a bit fuzzy.
Surreal_44 said:
I was once again utterly unimpressed with Danny. Of all the characters on the show, I dislike him and Hawkes the most, for two totally different reasons, and I go between disliking one or the other depending on how obnoxious/stupid I found them to be in this episode.

Danny won my ire this week for being an incompetent detective and not questioning the 'boyfriend' more thoroughly. The fact that the guy showed up immediately after the shooting should have made Danny suspicious. And the guy's behavior was just too weird.

I realize this is one of Danny's flaws, but seriously, how many hints does he need before he realizes who the bad guy is?

....I know, everyone disagrees with me on how I feel about Danny and Hawkes. :p I'm sorry, I just can't like those two no matter how hard I try. If Danny weren't so emo, or was possibly less childish I think I'd like him better.

While I love Danny for the reasons you dislike him, I do see how it can be irritating to see a character essentially make the same mistake again and again. I think his emotional nature works well in some cases (it makes him not give up and helps him to get creative, like in "Raising Shane"), but it also causes him to go with his gut most of the time, his gut is more often than not wrong. In a franchise where the characters are sometimes annoyingly perfect, the ones that aren't, like Danny here or Ryan on Miami, usually interest me the most.
I have a deep-seated loathing of Danny that is more than just his poor character judgment. I adore Flack, after all, and the poor man is almost always wrong.

I dislike Danny because he's wangsty basketcase who continually needs support from people, and yet when they give it to him he still manages to act like the whole world hates him.

Danny is flawed which would be fine, but it's the whole package that just annoys the heck out of me.
Surreal_44 said:
I dislike Danny because he's wangsty basketcase who continually needs support from people, and yet when they give it to him he still manages to act like the whole world hates him.

Has he even acted like this since season one? :confused: He certainly did back then, but that was three seasons ago.
I'm surprised that there's been so little response to the episode this week. :confused:

Anyway, I finally got around to re-watching the episode and writing down my thoughts. There are fewer this week than usual. As always, things may have been said before.

~ 1.) WEDGIE!!!, 2.) She just got water up her cooter.

~ Stella's bewbs! *fondle*

~ Drew, grrrrrr! :mad: *chokes a bitch*

~ LOL, My Mom: "Get the hell outta the water, dumbass...too late." :lol:

~ Bad pun, Flack, but I still luv ya. >.<

~ Lindsay's belt is gonna take over the world! :eek:

~ 'Sending a message'...with tennis balls?...LOL, that would be a first.

~ Wow, peeps, way to be obvious with the foodz. :rolleyes:

~ SID! *snorgle*

~ Was that John Dove's voice doing the voice-over? :D

~ *pets Danny*

~ ANGELL! *ravage* :devil:

~ Mmm, Sheldon, you are all sexual chocolate, baby. Rawr! :devil:

~ Danny, you're so pretty. ^_^

~ Haha, the guy was reading GQ, he didn't correct Flack like in the spoilers. :p

~ That drunk guy is a moron.

~ 'You're telling me you were driven to this by a shiny red light?' LOL!

~ Would the tennis balls really maintain that kind of velocity over that large of a distance? :confused:

~ *fondles Sheldon's bewbs*

~ 'I love this job'--and I love you, Sheldon. ^_^

~ [random] I want Sid to give me a piggyback ride! :D [/random]

~ Damn, that bitch had a lot of shit in her purse. :eek: Talk about a blivit bag.

~ Mac's telling you that you stink, Danno. ;)

~ *wants to stand between Danny and Angell and pat ass* :D

~ It shouldn't make me so happy to hear Angell say "North Carolina". :p

~ They still haven't explained why our dear Mr. Messer was hanging around Club Prowl. (Hmm, and Angell was the lead detective? At the club that was part of the storyline the first time our dear Angell showed up on the show? Is this a coincidence? :devil:) {They probably used it as kind of an inside joke, but hehe anyway. ;)}

~ "Your hair's red." *snorgles Flack*

~ LOL, I *heart* you, Sid. I swear, if I met Bob, I'd have to hug him. ^_^

~ LOL, when Hawkes leaned back with the glove in his hand, he kinda looked preggers. *snort*

~ Also, that smirk is adorable. :D

~ Damnit, I forgot to play 'Where's Waldo?' with Adam--maybe he's there in the background, but I forgot to look. :(

~ Guh, those three hotties in kevlar?! *spontaneous splodey!pants*

~ Sheldon's channeling Adam with the computer skillz. It's kewt. :p

~ "You tippin' me for my zooming skills?"--No, hot stuff, but I'll throw some dollars at ya if you take off some clothes. :devil:

~ Mmm, Angel having forensical idears. Hawt. :p (Flack's not the only one who's learning a thing or two from the nerds. ;))

~ I love enthusiastic Danny. :p

~ Baking skills, eh? Mmm, Danno, how 'bout those buns, baby?

~ Lindsay, I could knock your ass down, just so ya know. Don't be smug because that skinny bitch didn't try to get past you.

~ That bitch was crazy--and her mouth freaked me out a bit. Her partner/whatever wasn't much better. o_O'

~ How do you clean a tank and whatnot when there are ZOMGFATAL jellyfish in it??

~ Next week: I can't wait to see Flack get snarky at the wedding. ^_^
I liked this episode and will give it a B.

Carmine's acting was amazing - liked how Danny seemed on edge and very emotionally connected to the case. I loved his line about people dying/getting hurt just for 35G - we see here just how much the job gets to Danny. I loved the scene with him and Mac - reminded me of the father/son type of relationship we saw between them in s1 and RSRD. It was nice to see *Mac* telling someone to go home and get some rest for a change!

I'm glad the Doctor saved Brandi and asked Mac for help.

Loved seeing Mac and Danny in their bullet proof vests at the end -yum!

I can't believe Stella met creepy Drew on a roof, alone, and drank the wine he gave her. Why did TPTB make her do something like that after what happened with Frankie? I'm glad she told him to back off, though. Yay, Stella. Drew's creepy! This is the first time I've seen him properly as I missed the first two eps.

It was interesting how the other case with the girl in the martini glass kept taking twists and turns.

Loved the scenes with Flack and the red-head from the shop.

Mac's eyes were very green looking. Loved the black shirt. Yummy. :devil: Danny looked yummy too, especially in the earlier part of the ep in the white t-shirt and the open shirt over it.
Kimmychu said:

- Oh, Danny, you were more natural in this episode than you've been for the last two seasons. If this is a sign that the passionate, animalistic hot you is making a comeback, I am haaaaaappy. You don't like hospitals, do ya? Are we ever gonna get a hint about what's happened to your brother Louie?

Amen! It feels so good seein the real Danny back! And Carmine was great at showing how much being in a hospital was getting to him. Waiting there were was like turning back time and waiting for Louie to wake up. It was a nice bit of continuity. (to bad we didn't get a bit more - mystery is still in the air.)

~ Mac's telling you that you stink, Danno.

:lol: :lol: :lol: