This is the show that I enjoy. It reminded me of epis like Hung Out to Dry and Bad Beat.
It has good pacing, snappy banter between the gang, unexpected twists.
Adam and Sid were both so excellent that their scenes were just gems.
Danny was barely seen, but he was his cocky, snarky witty self. I know that all of the sturm und drang gives him a chance to exercise his acting chops, but it can get a bit wearing.
Flack, oh how I adore you! Thanks be to TPTB that we got to see more of you. Great one liners, poking at Mac about the tarps. That grin shows that he was doing it just to yank Macs chain. <very impish, I thought> No to mention the whole "Just stop" thing with the annoying kid.
A HUGE sigh of relief that there was no D/L angst. I am sooooo tired of that.
The big slimy slug in the pretty garden was Lindsey in interrogation. She is just soooo bad at it. I'm guessing that the writers chose her to talk to Natalie because Lindsey is the "young" female cast member. But she has no empathy at all. Whoever it was that labeled her expression the "Cold Fish Eye of Doom" was dead on. Poor Natalie, if this were real life, Lindsey's clumsy bumbling would have scarred her for life.
Kudos to Gerrard. Wow! What a performance from start to finish. Protective father, loyalty torn cop, avenging father who willingly threw away his life and career for his daughter. The only down side is that I fear that we'll never see him again. A sad loss.
OK, who out there was thinking that when Flack has daughters those poor girls will NEVER get out of the house? I have the feeling that he'll give "over protective father" a whole new meaning. :guffaw:
Again, I was struck by the fact that Mac and Flack have the most equal-to-equal relationship on the show. We don't see Mac talking like that to anyone else, not even Stella.
Quick Quiz: I think that this was the first time we've seen Flack hit anyone. He has chased bad guys. Tackled bad guys. Pulled bad guys off of fire escape ladders, fences and stairs. But when the bad guy tried to gut him like a fish, he back handed him across the room. With his gun hand no less. Ouch! That had to hurt!
There were tons of things about this epi I liked. I'm hoping the coming episodes are more like it!
It has good pacing, snappy banter between the gang, unexpected twists.
Adam and Sid were both so excellent that their scenes were just gems.
Danny was barely seen, but he was his cocky, snarky witty self. I know that all of the sturm und drang gives him a chance to exercise his acting chops, but it can get a bit wearing.
Flack, oh how I adore you! Thanks be to TPTB that we got to see more of you. Great one liners, poking at Mac about the tarps. That grin shows that he was doing it just to yank Macs chain. <very impish, I thought> No to mention the whole "Just stop" thing with the annoying kid.
A HUGE sigh of relief that there was no D/L angst. I am sooooo tired of that.
The big slimy slug in the pretty garden was Lindsey in interrogation. She is just soooo bad at it. I'm guessing that the writers chose her to talk to Natalie because Lindsey is the "young" female cast member. But she has no empathy at all. Whoever it was that labeled her expression the "Cold Fish Eye of Doom" was dead on. Poor Natalie, if this were real life, Lindsey's clumsy bumbling would have scarred her for life.
Kudos to Gerrard. Wow! What a performance from start to finish. Protective father, loyalty torn cop, avenging father who willingly threw away his life and career for his daughter. The only down side is that I fear that we'll never see him again. A sad loss.
OK, who out there was thinking that when Flack has daughters those poor girls will NEVER get out of the house? I have the feeling that he'll give "over protective father" a whole new meaning. :guffaw:
Again, I was struck by the fact that Mac and Flack have the most equal-to-equal relationship on the show. We don't see Mac talking like that to anyone else, not even Stella.
Quick Quiz: I think that this was the first time we've seen Flack hit anyone. He has chased bad guys. Tackled bad guys. Pulled bad guys off of fire escape ladders, fences and stairs. But when the bad guy tried to gut him like a fish, he back handed him across the room. With his gun hand no less. Ouch! That had to hurt!
There were tons of things about this epi I liked. I'm hoping the coming episodes are more like it!