Good Night Baby


Disclaimer: I do not own CSI
AN: This fic was a birthday gift for Rhee, my beta reader so it's dedicated to her It's not beta-ed, all mistakes are mine!
Written: October 2006
Summary: GSR fluff, Sara is pregnant and lost conscience at a crime scene...

Good Night Baby

Gently he ran his hand through her hair, trying not to wake her up. God she had really scared him today. In fact he had never been as scared ever before.

Sara and Catherine had been working at a crime scene when Sara had suddenly lost consciousness. She had been brought to hospital and only hours later someone had told him what had happened. That was the huge disadvantage of hiding their relationship, if Catherine would have known about them then she would have called him earlier.

Catherine did call him eventually but that had been after he had already picked up Sara from the hospital and had taken her home. And she hadn’t called to tell him what had happened but to ‘figuratively kick his ass’ for letting Sara work even though he had known that she was pregnant.

Damn it, he had feared that something like this would happen, that something might happen to Sara while she was working. That was why he had told her over and over again to take the next months off from work, but she had refused. Now he really wanted to kick his own ass because he should have insisted on it.

Suddenly she opened her eyes. “Hey.” He whispered, letting his hand rest on her cheek.

“Hey.” She replied and smiled softly at him.

Their gazes met and for a moment they just looked at each other, then she sat up and leaned back against the backrest of the sofa. He took a seat next to her and pulled her into his arms. She snuggled her back against his chest and entwined her fingers with his. “Are you mad at me?” She asked after a moment.

“Why should I be mad at you Honey?” He asked shocked and surprised, even hurt because Sara should know that he could never be mad at her for anything.

“Because you told me to take time off and I didn’t.” She stared down on their hands and sighed. “I should have known better. I thought being pregnant wouldn’t affect my body, that was so stupid. I mean I could stand the morning sickness, I didn’t think I would lose consciousness…”

“Honey, that was not your fault.” He tightened his embrace and kissed her softly on the top of her head. “It wasn’t anybody’s fault. We just have to be more careful.”

She sighed and began to caress his hands with her thumbs. “Did Catherine call you?”


“And?” Now she turned around to face him.

“Did you tell her that you’re pregnant?”

“She was in the room when the doctor told me to be more careful and that I should be aware of the fact that I am not only responsible for myself but also for my child.” She let go of his hands and slipped her arms around his torso while she leaned her head down on his shoulder. “He made me feel so guilty.” She confessed.

Grissom felt sorry for her, he knew that being pregnant wasn’t easy for her. First of all she had never wanted to become a mother, even though – after finding out that she was pregnant - she had immediately told him that she was not going to have an abortion, but she still wasn’t used to her new situation. In addition to this her job meant almost as much to her as he did, she didn’t want to give it up that soon and he had really been able to understand her. And the morning sickness had done its part as well; he could kind of understand that she was feeling as if she was haunted from back luck. Not to forget the mood swings, even though he was the one who really had to suffer because of those.

He let his lips find hers and gently kissed her. “Honey don’t feel guilty.” He grazed her cheek with his hand. “You have to go through enough at the moment, don’t make it worse with blaming yourself for things that you can’t control.”

“I should have stayed at home.” She swallowed hard. “Just imagine something worse would have happened…”

“But it didn’t happen. And you might as well have lost consciousness at home.” He ran his hands over her back. “Don’t blame yourself Honey.”

She sighed softly. “And by tomorrow the whole lab will know that I’m pregnant.”

“But it was just a matter of time until they would find out.” He was in fact scared of how the others would react but he couldn’t tell her, he wanted to be strong for her. What he feared the most was that the others would start speculating about who the possible father might be and he didn’t really want to know whom they suspected.

“What exactly did Catherine say?” He could tell that she was worried even though he really didn’t know why.

“She asked me whether I was insane to let you work even though I knew you were pregnant. She told me I should have kept you away from crime scenes because of course something like this was going to happen. Blah, blah, blah…”

“And what did you tell her?”

”That the two of us had a conversation about it and that together we had decided that you would stop working crime scenes when you would feel that it would become too much for you.”

“She doesn’t suspect anything, does she?” She got more and more insecure.

“Honey even if she would, why bother?” He ran his hand through her hair and tried to calm her down. “In fact I would prefer it if they’d all know instead of having to hear how they are making bets about who the father might be.”

“If Ecklie finds out he’ll fire us.”

“Even if that should happen, it wouldn’t be the end of the world.” He shrugged.

“How can you be so nonchalant about that?” She asked unbelieving. “I mean if they fire us, how are we supposed to raise our child when we don’t have any money?”

“Sweetie, you would have to stop working anyways, at least for a couple of months. And it wouldn’t be that difficult for me to find a new job. Even if Ecklie would tell every lab and university and college in the whole country that I was fired for banging my subordinate and getting her pregnant… I am one of fifteen entomologist in the country, I wouldn’t be unemployed for longer than a month.” He could feel how she slowly relaxed in his arms. “The only thing we have to fear is that Catherine will kick my ass very, very badly for letting you work while you’re pregnant with my child.”

Now she had to chuckle. “You know how to lighten up my mood.” She kissed him softly on his cheek, then she pulled away from him and stood up.

He threw an asking look at her, wondering where she wanted to go.

“I’m sorry, I’d really like to continue this but I think I need to sleep.” She bit down on her bottom lip, then she leaned down to him again and kissed him on his lips. “Good night.”

“Good night Angel.” He smiled softly, glad about the fact that Sara was reasonable enough to go to bed early. Before she could turn away he pulled her close again, his hands rested on her hips while his face was at the level of her belly. Slowly he shoved up her shirt, then brushed his lips over the soft skin and smiled while he gently kissed her right above her belly button. “And good night baby.”

thank you :)

I don't know if I'll have the time to continue it, Leaving Las Vegas is the number one on my "to continue list"
*gg* I just wouldn't know what else to write :-S

but maybe my muse kisses me some time in the next weeks *gg*
Lovely fic, and I really do hope that you continue. Because I'm a sucker for the whole GSR thing. Keep up the good work, and i do hope that you finish your other fic, Leaving Las Vegas, because that was good too, and I want to find out what happens. :)

Laters, tigger_willows xoxo