Gonna Buy Me a Dog-Nick Stokes fanfic

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by myfuturecsi, Aug 28, 2008.

  1. myfuturecsi

    myfuturecsi Corpse

    May 27, 2005
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    Song by the Monkees, 1965

    I based this story a song by the Monkees called "Gonna Buy Me A Dog"

    Check out the video on You Tube and you'll understand why this song is so funny.

    Nick Stokes sat a Karokee bar, drinking his not one, not two, not even three but his fourth beer.

    He was feeling it.

    "Yo bro, I know you're depressesd about the red-headed waitress dumping your butt." Warrick said, "But hey man, you gotta get on with life."

    "I'm so lonely!" Nick sobbed, "I'm so sad..she said I was too old for her.."

    "You were almost twenty years older then her, Nick." Catherine said.

    "Liek a totol generation gap!" Mandy sighed feeling a relief as she was just so jealous because she had harboured a secret crush on her singing dude.

    Greg got up and walked over to the Karokee machine and smiled and called Nick over. The Texan CSI wobbled and weebled over and saw what Greg was pointing at and smirked and nodded and they called Warrick to join them.

    Greg went to the microphone and cleared his voice,

    "Ladies and gentlemen, may I present Nick Stokes and the CSI Trio singing a song about how to deal with being dumped..the solution is in the title."

    Psychodlelic sounding guitar rifts sang out as Nick grabbed the microphone and sang,

    You know my girl just called me up
    And she woke me from my sleep

    Greg inserts, "ZZZZZZZZZ"

    Nick sang,

    You should have heard the things she said
    You know she hurt my feelings deep.

    "Let me guess, it was about your new hair cut." Warrick said into his own microphone.

    Nick stood up straight and sang/spoke and pointed to his chest,

    I'm gonna buy me a dog!!!

    Warrick and Greg asked together, "A dog, why a dog?"

    Cause I need a friend now.

    "Yo bro!" Warrick said, "You need all the friends you can get."

    Nick sobbed, sang and laughed:

    I'm gonna buy me a dog,
    My girl, my girl, dont love me no how.

    "That's right!" Greg called out on his own microphone, "She dumped him for some Nick Jonas look-a-like!"

    "That's what you get for going after Miley Cyrus, Nicky!" Catherine called.

    Grissom, Mandy, Brass, Hodges and Wendy all stared at each other not sure whehter to laugh or yell at them to get off the stage.

    Nick sang on,
    She used to bring me my newspaper
    cause she knew where it was at.

    Groaning, Catherine throws some peanuts at him! Nick ducks and smiles mischeviously at her.

    Then he sang on,

    She used to keep me so contented.
    But I can teach a dog to do that.

    "Yeah you sure can!!" Warrick said, "And you don't have to buy em anything for it!"

    Mandy and Catherine both stand up and throw all the baskets of peanuts at them.

    But Nick sang on merrily, bouncing around merrily as his spirits picked up with the silly tune.

    I'm gonna buy me a dog,
    cause I need a friend now

    Greg and Warrick start making yipping and yapping noises as the rest of the CSIs and lab techs join in with barks and howls.

    Except Grissom who videotaped it with his cell phone camera to send to Sara.

    Nick sang on,

    I'm gonna buy me a dog

    Greg and Warrick start calling, "Here Rover! Here Spot!"

    "Naww, I'd call him Maverick," Nick said waiting for the next verse to come on the screen.

    Then he nudged his buddy, "Hey Warrick, I was just in Africa playing cards with some of the locals."

    "Zulus?" Warrick asked.

    "No, actually I won." Nick shrugged.

    The audience cracked up.

    "Naaw man," Warrick disagreed, "They just took pity on your sorry, white butt!"

    Cat calls and whistles filled the room.

    Unfazed, Nick sang on,

    My girl, my girl, dont love me no how.

    "Hey man!" Warrick said, "You tankin' this song."

    "Hey it's the only song I know, don't ruin it on me" Nick sniffed.

    "You ruined it before you got on stage!" Warrick laughed.

    Greg leaned over singing, "Boop, boop sham a dang a bang a boo."

    "Stop hogging the limelight Greggo!" Nick shoved him and sang on,

    I'm gonna buy me a dog!!!

    "You haven't told us what kind of dog you're gonna get Nicky!" Catherine called.

    "I don't know yet, Labrodor Retriever, Godlen Retriever, Irish Setter, Labradoodle-hey what's with the all these stupid mix breeds, Goldie Poos, Labranoodles.." Nick said with a little, bouncy trot.

    "Suppose to be allergy free dogs!" Grissom called cocking an eyebrow at the trio.

    Greg kept singing along, "Bop, sho bop, wamma damma ding dong.."

    "Yeha you're a ding dong alright!" Warrick said, "And if Nick keeps it up, he's gonna get carted away by the men in white."

    "How do you know they're not on their way?" Mandy called.

    "I'm just about to put in the call!" Hodges called.

    The song faded out and the audience in the bar applauded laughing hystericaly. One even yelled, "Encore!"

    "Really!" Nick said, "Cause I got one for a special girl in the audience."

    Everyone looked up at surpise as Greg popped over to the machine and then the familiar strings of "Oh, Mandy" came on.

    "What the (bleep)?" Mandy said looking up and turning beet red as Nick crouched down before her with a rose he stole from another table and handed it to her.

    He sang it so sweetly and tenderly as Mandy smiled, all wide eyed and giggily.

    Catherine leaned over to Grissom, "He doesn't mourn for long."

    "Nope." Grissom said still sending the video clip to Sara.

    After Nick finished and Greg took the stage to sing a White Stripes tune, Mandy leaned over and asked Nick in a hushed voice, "Care for a designated driver?"

    "Is your car the only thing you wanna drive?" He asked back while pretending to stare at a menu while a small smile tugged at his lips.

    She smiled flirtatiously and whispered, "When you sober up, I'll let you know."

    He cleared his throat and answered still looking at the menu, "Sounds like a plan!"

    The end.
  2. Smokey

    Smokey Nickaholic Moderator

    May 11, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Ha!! Cute! :) I actually had this album when I was a kid. Yeah, that's right...album, as in 33 1/3. I loved that song!
  3. GregNickRyanFan

    GregNickRyanFan Holographic Moderator Moderator

    May 16, 2008
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    ROTFLMAO! That was great! I don't know that song, but anyway... funny fic.
  4. Speedystokesgirl

    Speedystokesgirl Judge

    Dec 15, 2007
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    Oh, I wished I could've seen that on CSI. See now they need some funnies like this every once in awhile.

    "Didn't mourn long" "Nope" :guffaw: That's our Nicky.

    Smokey, 33 1/2 albums :guffaw:. What I am laughing for, I have those too.
  5. MacsGirlMel

    MacsGirlMel Mac's Personal Assistant

    Feb 5, 2006
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    ROFL love it!!!
  6. Smokey

    Smokey Nickaholic Moderator

    May 11, 2007
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    There's this girl at work...22 years old...we listen to the "oldies" station, and sometimes I'll say, "I had that record!" or album. I had to explain the difference to her.

    So now when I say I had that record, she'll say, "The kind with just one song on each side, right?"

  7. Jacqui

    Jacqui Police Officer

    Jul 19, 2008
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    :lol: That was a fun read! Thanks :D

    I have to admit I had to look up the video on you tube - it's funnier if you know the song!

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