Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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19ams87, her face was like "WTF are talking about? When did that happen? Why didn't you tell me?" I mean, it was a look that said so much...I noticed many times hw the GC interaction is based on eye contact, but this time it was extraordinary.
In my opinion, there was a lot of hurt and pain, too. And disappointment, obviously.

Thank you, Purejoylove, that was a great photoshoot, I didn't have to do a lot really. ;)
Hottie_Cath said:
nathiconti!!! Welcome!!! We love Brazilians they love G/C :D And here's your welcome present:
What's your favorite G/C moment by the way? :D

Oh I'll add this in the list of reasons:
*Because Greg knows how tight they are.

Hum...My favorite moment? - I can't say only one...

"Thank you for being here" - In the LHB
"You need A Woman" - In the Formalities
"Never Doubt...Never Look back" - In the last episode of the first season

And Thank You 19ams87 for "Welcome" ^^
I love those episodes too, specially the "Thank you for being here" scene from Inside the Box...
19ams87 said:
What did Cath do when she found out about GSR? Or is that the cliffhanger? Bet it is. *grumble*
It wasn't really a direct admission of the relationship.. Grissom blurted something like 'I took away the only person she ever loved, and she's going to do the same thing to me' And the look on Catherine's face:

That was also pretty much the reaction of Warrick, Greg and Nick. :lol: They were kind of stunned and before they could say anything Grissom ran out of the room to look for Natalie.
Welcome nathiconti!

those are pretty priceless PUREJOY moments :D

I loved Cath's STUNNED look when Grissom surprised them all.
Hotties pic pretty much describes the reaction of the whole room, don't you think??

This is going to be an interesting summer ;)
woot! *runs*
i came here as soon as i saw the eppie... :D

i WUB the glasses scene... and the ventriloquist one (made me remember last laugh/a night at the movies). awesome ^_^ and cath's face when Griss said 'it'... priceless... jawdropping you may say ;)
'I took away the only person she ever loved, and she's going to do the same thing to me'

*thats* the line?! Ewwwwwwww! Lmao sorry but thats just crap. I suppose it kinda sounds Grissomish though. I'm just wondering *if* Sara survives how they'll deal with GSR in the lab. Interesting.

IMO Cath looks a cross between WTF and upset, as is to be expected, still hope she rips his head off but if Sara dies suppose it'd be a bit harsh though lol.

I can't wait to watch it. I'm just holding out for the glasses scene. WEE!
I felt that the line was more like that's what Natalie thinks she's doing by hurting Sara. Not so much that it's really how Grissom feels.

But I did love everyone's reactions. Especially Catherine & Warrick :)
What was Nick like? I'm a lil SNickers on the sly so i'm hopin he'll be pissed too. I think he will though, Nick's a moral kinda dude. Whens it back on, September?

So are PJ workin together all the way through the finale? Hopefully that'll give me something to look forward to.
19ams87 said:
What was Nick like? I'm a lil SNickers on the sly so i'm hopin he'll be pissed too.

nick's reaction? i dont think anyone can deny this.. nick looked like he was gonna cry. here.. i'll find a screencap he's so sad! after what grissom said, nick didn't even look at grissom. it was really sad.

i LOVED the glasses sharing. as soon as i saw that i was like: PUREJOY!!! i was so happy!! tee hee! man... i love PureJoy
First of all, yay for PureJoy pics. They really look like a married couple.

You know, after reading what the line was, that Gil blurted out, I actually don't think Catherine will be angry. I think she'll be really hurt.

I mean, these two have been really, really close for over twenty years, and for him to say something like that to her, even disregarding the relationship aspect, I would imagine she'd be really hurt.

Not just because he's her friend and we all know they're in love, but for him to keep something like that from her - I think she's going to be really hurt.
Oh God!!!!Can´t wait to see the final and the lady H episode!!!!But I have to wait a couple a weeks.
They really look like a married couple!!!!Everyone even not pure joys can agree with that!!!

The Cath face was like WTF!!!!
Ohhh poor Nick!!!!! (I´m a snicker too), sooooo sad!!!!
Nathiconti, welcome to the thread. We won't bite. :)

Hahaha. Finally getting to the G/C moments. LOVED IT. Loved Billy's arm around her chair...probably before he kissed her. :lol: God that was just an awesome little sequence with the glasses and everything. :p The glasses looked good on her too. ;)
Welcome to the thread, nathiconti. Let me repeat this: have fun or get slapped! :lol:

I don't think they've done a good job on the revealing thing, you know? Because to me, it looked like Gil finally realized what Natalie was trying to do to him. It was more like Gil was saying what Natalie had been thinking instead of revealing his relationship with Sara. And the looks on the others' face were just priceless. They were like "huh? WTF was he saying?" I'm sorry, but I really laughed watching that scene. :lol: The C/G scenes were definitely cute. While watching the ventriloquist show scene, I was just like Gravy, wondering whether they filmed it before or after Billy had kissed Marg. lmao.

Btw have you guys read this review? It's really amusing. I think you'll probably like it. lol.
"I just hope Billy can fight because Sara is Nick's. Everybody knows that. I don't know if a lot of people know this, but Nick knows kung fu. In the season finale, he is going to take Grissom out with a leg sweep."
-George Eads

OMG LOL! Did GE actually say that?! Omg that is legendary! I adore that man I swear to god. Bless him. LOL, that well made me giggle, i'd pay to see him take Gman out!

Sniffles at Nicks face, he looks like he needs a huggie.

I think you're actually right Drumchik, I think if that was me i'd be more hurt, then probli angry (depending on what happens to Sara) her face looks just like 'whaaaaa?'

LOL, loving that article Erica, oh if only TPTB would read that.
"even ol' Gil seems to realize their affair is creepy.

Lmao, true, true.
Oh that article rocks. Love it. Least someone sees sense.
Thanks for the link, erica! That was amusing (age-inappropriate daddy dynamic...LOL). We should have a Gil/Doc Robbins ship (Gil/Doc Robbins: Rock on Dudes!)

The WTF reactions were priceless, especially Warrick's and Cath's. I think Nick was too sad/worried to be genuinely shocked.

Anyways, back to purejoy... it's these little cute things they do that make them the married couple. They do it so effortless and so naturally that one would just assume they're together.

Welcome nathiconti! That's a nice name. :)
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