Gil <3 Cath #27: PureJoy--He Enjoys Her Slaps

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Me and Cath haven't cracked it yet, we're gonna have another do later on when i've done my college work. Grissom'll have to wait!
Btw Erica I randomly found you on LJ, love the profile. LJ confuses the hell outta me. Mine's crap but only got it for my avis really.

They know how to do things we have no idea about!
They also pretty darn good at telepathy. :D We all know what they thinking though :devil:
^ Are you sure that was me? Because I didn't put anything in my profile at all. lol. I'm not in love with LJ, either. I love having control on my own webpages (I love hand-coding them), but users' ability to customize LJ pages is too limited and I don't feel comfortable about that. The biggest reason why I have been using LJ is there are a lot of people out there and you get to know cool friends and find great communities.

Hmmm I'm sure Cath and Gil are really good at telepathy. I mean how many times have we seen them communicate without words? ;) Apart from Bully for You, we also saw that in Secrets and Flies, where she listed all the things she'd need to do when he was gone without him telling her a bit about it and when he thanked her, she just said "what'd you do without me". I'm sure there are a lot of other examples that prove these two totally knows each other by heart. :)
You know, the Yo!Bling thread had: Eye-Sex Pioneers. Surely we could have: "They have sex without touching" or something similar. *gigle*

Telepathy seems to be a big thing in G and C's relationship. I think it's probably something they became good at over the years of spending so much time together. Also, I'm sure I read somewhere that a good marriage is one where you don't have to speak - you just know. Sound familiar?
Telepathy. What an interesting topic. Perhaps as anne said, it's just the amount of time they spend together and how much they know each other. You don't have to say it to hear what the other person is saying, which I absolutely love about this ship. Communication needs no words, right? :lol: Gil<3Cath *chants*

well, it's going to seem like I'm advertising myself...'cause I am. :lol:

I've probably talked about an incoming fic on my part, and yeah...decided to post the first chapter (Only prologue) on my LJ, GraveshiftCSI, and perhaps So...go check it out and tell me what you think.

Thanks a bunch!
aw, that'd be an ADORABLE thread name. "they have sex without touching." ee hee... loves it.

right now, there's like a CSI marathon on TV and of course.. my favourite season.. SEASON 4! i just watched on of my fav episodes: JACKPOT!! omgoodness, i LOVE that episode. and when Grissom said: "hello dear," Catherine just went right on talking like he called her that everyday. ee hee... loves it!

and right now, i'm watching "after the show", and it's SO ADORABEL TOO!! catherine asks Grissom if he has her back and he rplies: "i always have your back." AWW!! Grissom's so loving toward her. PureJoy!!

the best kinda marriage is a PureJoy marriage!
Oooh Gravy's got a new fic? I so have to read that! :D

Season four did have some great episodes, and man, it was very C/G. :) The first thing ever comes to my mind when I think about season 4 is always the magic fingers. I could never forget the look Cath gives Gil when she tells him to enjoy. :lol: There's also "too tough?" "not enough" from Invisible Evidence, the iffy and scratchy and normal sex from Fur and Loathing, the husband-wife thing from Jackpot, the having her back thing from After the Show, and "pinned down without asking" from Grissom v.s. the Volcano...there are so many other C/G moments in season four. Gosh I need to re-watch my DVD. :lol:
Grissom vs the Volcano
I love that episode :D

and who can forget the Jackpot Moments
- "yes dear."
- "she hates it when we are apart"
- Lt. Brooks: "Your wife?" To Grissom [that is my favorite part]

and who can forget Formalities ???

-"you need a woman" !!!

I think we started listing favorite episodes again :lol:
omgoodness.. that's so hot when Cath ties his bow. i LOVE season for. has my two favourite ships with ALOT of moments. SNickers/PureJoy.

i completely forgot about the "too tough?" "not enough!!" SOO HOOOT!!!

in invisible evidence, when Grissom and Sara had that pinned-down scene, i think sara was doing that BECAUSE she knew how much cath and grissom were flirting and how close they were together. maaaaan, i LOVE PUREJOY! hope catherine YELLS at him in season 8 and tells him that he shouldn't be with Sara because he should be with HER!!! mua ha ha... can't wait!

do we have any PureJoy writers in season 8... anyone know?
I don't think there's any info yet. And I think even if some of the writers are for this ship, they'd do what TPTB want them to do. So it really is depended on the producers I gess. GET ANN DONAHUE BACK!

As for the pinned-down scene, it didn't do much for me. I have never shipped that pairing after all. lol. Think about this, Gil pinned Catherine down against their car in Grissom v.s. the Volcano and she didn't even need to ask. ;) And man, their posture totally had me deep down in the gutter. :devil:
omgoodness... that just makes me smile thinking of it!! gris would risk his life for cath!! eee!

i LOVED in Law of Gravity, when Keppler died... AS SOON as cath needed him, he was there. it was so adorable. it's like, he has a catherine-alarm in him, and same with the Strip Strangler... catherine was there in the nick of time, I LOVED IT! why can't they just give us what we want? everyone can see the chemistry between them. even though the writers haven't given ANYTHING between these two this year, when they did have their moments it was HOT! just when they stared at each other. hoping for more in the next season. come on cath... FIGHT FOR YOUR MAN!! :D
ITA, csiemily. The scene in Law of Gravity was soooo cute. He WAS there for her, and I totally "awww"ed when I first saw it (of course the rest of my nonshipping CSI watching family looked at my like WTF... but anyway) :D
lmao!! i know! when i was watching it, my sister was like: "what the heck?" and i was like: "grissom and catherine are so cute!! they should be together." and then she goes on about that it's a tv show and they aren't actually real, blah blah blah... I DON'T CARE!! they are so cute together and THEY BELONG TOGETHER!! i dont see why they wiped Sara into that fact. from the beginning they made Sara Grissom's "soul-mate" even though EVERYONE knows that they belong together and from the first 4ish season, it seemed like they were together. why would you ruin that? Sara and Grissom don't belong together. SOO many people on CSI thought that Grissom and Catherine were together. because, in the first seasonish, you kinda got the thought that gris and cath are married/at dating/are going to date soon because of the chemistry and ALL their lustious moments. man, i want all the PureJoy and SNickers writers back on CSI.

you see layout table? i see sex table!! :devil:
ADORABLE!! it's the future
It seems that Gil always knows when Catherine needs him and vice versa. And it it's at all possible, they're there for each other.

It's that telepathy thing again :)

And ditto for wanting Ann Donahue back. Or they could hire me. I'd even work for free to fix up the mess they've made!
he he he I bet you would Drumchik :lol:

It is the telepathy. They can convey so much to each other without saying a word :)

I think they will always be there for each other. Maybe we'll get to see some of that in Season 8???

OT- I finished my first ever Gris/Cath fic. It's in the fan fic forum if anyone is interested
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