May as well answer this one again as it's been a while. 
1) Name: Genevieve
2) Birthday: November 30th.
3) Age: Twenty.
4) Favorite Music Genre: Rock, Classic Rock, Inspirational.
5) Favorite Band/Singer: None at the moment.
6) Favorite Song: Tennessee Line, by Daughtry.
7) Favorite CD: Get Born - Jet
9) Last CD you PURCHASED: Can't remember. It's been so long.
10) Last CD you BURNED: Can't remember.
11) Last concert you went to see: Haven't yet been to one.
12) Favorite actor: Chris Pine.
13) Favorite actress: Katie Cassidy.
14) Favorite action movie: Armageddon.
15) Favorite comedy movie: None so far.
16) Favorite cartoon movie: UP!
17) Favorite drama movie: I don't really watch drama movies.
18) Favorite romantic/romantic comedy movie: None so far.
19) Favorite scary movie: The Exorcist.
20) Last movie you saw in theaters: Inception.
21) Last movie you rented: Shutter Island.
22) Last movie you purchased: Avatar.
23) Favorite television actor: Misha Collins.
24) Favorite television actress: ...Katie Cassidy.
25) Favorite television cartoon: The Simpsons.
26) Favorite television sitcom: Friends.
27) Favorite television drama: Supernatural.
28) Favorite television channel: A&E.
29) Favorite author: None so far.
30) Favorite Books: 'Good Omens'.
31) What kind of car do you drive: Chevy Uplander.
32) What type of job do you have: Full-time student.
33) What's your eye color: Blue
34) What's your hair color: Dark brown.
35) How tall are you: Just found out the other week that I'm 5'5". I'd been under the misconception for years that I was one inch taller. :lol:
1) Name: Genevieve
2) Birthday: November 30th.
3) Age: Twenty.
4) Favorite Music Genre: Rock, Classic Rock, Inspirational.
5) Favorite Band/Singer: None at the moment.
6) Favorite Song: Tennessee Line, by Daughtry.
7) Favorite CD: Get Born - Jet
9) Last CD you PURCHASED: Can't remember. It's been so long.
10) Last CD you BURNED: Can't remember.
11) Last concert you went to see: Haven't yet been to one.
12) Favorite actor: Chris Pine.
13) Favorite actress: Katie Cassidy.
14) Favorite action movie: Armageddon.
15) Favorite comedy movie: None so far.
16) Favorite cartoon movie: UP!
17) Favorite drama movie: I don't really watch drama movies.
18) Favorite romantic/romantic comedy movie: None so far.
19) Favorite scary movie: The Exorcist.
20) Last movie you saw in theaters: Inception.
21) Last movie you rented: Shutter Island.
22) Last movie you purchased: Avatar.
23) Favorite television actor: Misha Collins.
24) Favorite television actress: ...Katie Cassidy.
25) Favorite television cartoon: The Simpsons.
26) Favorite television sitcom: Friends.
27) Favorite television drama: Supernatural.
28) Favorite television channel: A&E.
29) Favorite author: None so far.
30) Favorite Books: 'Good Omens'.
31) What kind of car do you drive: Chevy Uplander.
32) What type of job do you have: Full-time student.
33) What's your eye color: Blue
34) What's your hair color: Dark brown.
35) How tall are you: Just found out the other week that I'm 5'5". I'd been under the misconception for years that I was one inch taller. :lol: