Get Oprah To Promote Hill Harper's Book

:lol: Don't worry. According to the site the maxium characters for the message is 2000. I think I may have written double or triple that. Oops :eek:. But hey, as long as you get your message across in two lines or three paragraphs it's all good ;).
^Indeed! She may be more likely to read the shorter missives than the long ones. I also remember her complaining on her show a few years back about people recommending books to her, but I'm pretty certain that when anyone goes through the effort of starting a sustained email and letter campaign, that would be more likely to get her attention.

In fact, I found this address to write a letter to the Oprah Winfrey Show:

PO Box 909715
Chicago, IL 60690
Thanks Mrs. Giovinazzo,

This is wonderful news and I have just sent my e-mail to Oprah! I look forward to seeing our beloved Hill Harper promoting his book on her show soon. They are both a shining light indeed!!! :)
Springmoon said:
I also remember her complaining on her show a few years back about people recommending books to her, but I'm pretty certain that when anyone goes through the effort of starting a sustained email and letter campaign, that would be more likely to get her attention.
Hopefully when so many people write to her about the same book, it will get her attention. I think the tone and theme of Hill's book make it a perfect fit for her show.

I found this address to write a letter to the Oprah Winfrey Show:

PO Box 909715
Chicago, IL 60690
Thanks! For anyone with more to say than can fit in the email form provided on Oprah's website, please write her a letter.

Thank you all for doing this for Hill. It'll be great to see if our emails have an impact.
MrsGiovinazzo said:
Thanks! For anyone with more to say than can fit in the email form provided on Oprah's website, please write her a letter.

So, I am sorry to say that was an address that I had from way back when that used to accept snail mail for Oprah. :( I was tooling around her website tonight and found this:
Oprah Mailing Address Sorry to say that the show no longer accepts fan mail by snail mail. That makes it all the more important to send those emails along!!
Thanks for letting everyone know NOT to use that address. The email form on her site does allow enough room to say what needs to be said. It doesn't have to be epic.
I haven't read his book yet (Malaysia is slow on these kinda things), but he really deserves to have it promoted.

Gah, I wanted to send my e-mail but I just read the T&C and the first one made me feel a little down. Guess I'll just stick to supporting him from across the globe :D
*dusts off thread*

Anyone email Oprah lately? We've gotta get this man some love from Oprah! If you haven't written to her yet, please please please do. Hill's book contains a fantastic message that really should reach as many people as possible.
*dusts off thread once again -- then I will let it go, promise ;)*

I know several of you have had the opportunity to meet Hill at book signings recently. Just thought I'd dust off this thread to ask anyone who has met him recently or enjoyed his book or just thinks he's cool to please email Oprah and help get this book some fantastic exposure.
You know, I was thinking about this thread yesterday... I sent mine the day I first read about this, hopefully if enough people do that it'll work out. The book is really good, and the guy deserves a wider audience.
Hey MrsG
im abit slow on these kinda things, so didnt see this thread :( but have no fear, i sent my email request jus this second. i really hope that Hill has alot of success with his book. For all the hard work he has put into it, he deserves to have his 15 minutes of oprah lol
i jus hope that she realises what a talented guy he is, and he actually wants to make a difference to the younger generation :D
hey its abit late, but aslong as they all count, right? :D
Thanks for doing that, chelliyah. Not sure how many emails it takes to really catch Oprah's attention, but hopefully the girls from this board can show we're good for more than just drooling over our CSI:NY hotties and can actually help a brother.