Get Oprah To Promote Hill Harper's Book


CSI Level Three
Yes, once again, I'm asking you to do something. :rolleyes: This request is an important one and can have far greater impact that my previous requests for your phone #s and your panties. This actually comes as a special request directly from Hill Harper, who I had the pleasure of meeting this evening.

Many of you are aware of Hill's book, Letters to a Young Brother and the positive messages it contains. The book is doing extraordinarily well. It's now in it's fourth print, having sold 75,000 copies. Hill devoted his summer to traveling the country attending speaking engagements and book signings to get his message out. Even with his hectic shooting schedule, he continues to actively promote Letters to a Young Brother.

Those who have read the book know it is truly the sort of message that can make a difference in the life of a young person. Help Hill get this book into the hands of as many people as possible. How can you do that? Ask Oprah to promote Letters to a Young Brother and invite Hill to be a guest on her show. Hill is doing a fantastic job of promoting his book, but with a little help from Oprah, he could achieve really big things.

You can email Oprah by filling out a form on her website. Go to
If you're unsure what to write, to give you an idea, here's a copy of what I sent her just a few minutes ago:

Dear Oprah,

This evening I had the opportunity to meet a wonderful actor who is using his status to make a difference in the lives of young people and serve as a role model for a demographic in desperate need of positive influence. Hill Harper of CSI:NY is truly working to affect positive change in young men, within the black community and across all races.

His best-selling book "Letters to a Young Brother" contains a universally motivating message of self-empowerment through education and responsibility. Hill is doing a phenomenal job of reaching audiences through speaking at colleges and promoting his book through book signing events. The number of people his message could reach would go through the roof if you would consider promoting his book and inviting him onto your show to deliver his message. He would make an outstanding guest, as he's intelligent, extraordinarily well-educated (three ivy league degrees!), well-spoken, funny, the whole package -- not to mention easy on the eyes.

Please consider promoting Hill's fantastic book and inviting this awe inspiring man onto your show.

Deborah Fujiwara

Thank you in advance for your participation. This is a special request that comes directly from Hill. Please remember how generous he's been with this site, giving multiple interviews and chats, and take this opportunity to repay his time with a moment of yours. Do this not only to thank Hill for his participation with this site, but also to benefit the lives of all the Young Brothers who are touched by Hill's book.
Consider it done! I'd be more than happy to do something for the man so I'll write my email ASAP. :)

Btw, 75,000 copies? I had no idea! That's awesome! My respect for Hill is growing every day...

ETA: After what I just read in the other thread I'm willing to do just about -anything- for the guy!
I'll do it!! I'd do anything to help out Hill!

I'll have to save up my money and go and buy it...

Okay, I did it. This is what I wrote:

Dear Oprah,

I am writing to you about an awe-insiring actor, Hill Harper of CSI: NY. His book, "Letters To A Young Brother", has reached many people across the United States and is still continuing to do so. I believe the number of people Hill could reach would skyrocket if would just consider promoting his book "Letters To A Young Brother" and inviting him onto your show. He would make a delightful guest, as he is well-spoken, funny, outstandingly well-educated, and extremely easy on the eyes.

Please consider promoting Hill, and inviting this charming man onto your show.

Yours truly,
Neelie Olver

(Sorry, I took a little bit from you, MrsGiovinazzo)
Orison said:
Btw, 75,000 copies? I had no idea! That's awesome! My respect for Hill is growing every day...
I had no idea the book was doing those kind of numbers either. Very impressive.

ETA: After what I just read in the other thread I'm willing to do just about -anything- for the guy!
No kidding! I've personally witnessed him take a minute of his time on your behalf, so return the favor, girl. Time to write to Oprah.

Thanks so much to those of you who are jumping right on this. It'll mean the world to Hill. :D
Done!! I never used to write to anyone except my representatives in government until I started posting on this site :lol:

Dear Oprah,

I wanted to take a moment to write to you about a celebrity who is actually taking the time to reach out to his fans in a positive and meaningful way. This man is Hill Harper of "CSI: New York," and he is also the author of an inspirational book called, "Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny."

I write to ask you to feature his book on your show this fall. This book is incredible as its universal message does not just appeal to young black men. I was able to identify with the message as a not-so-young black woman myself. I immediately bought a copy for my younger brother in the hopes that some of the experiences of Mr. Harper's own life would resonate with him and help him figure out his life as he moves into adulthood.

I'm not able to view your show as regularly as I would like, but I would like you to please consider featuring the book and inviting Mr. Harper along as a guest. Thank you for taking the time to read this e-mail.

Joanne Wilson
I'm definately in on this one. Not only would I like to see her promote his book for obvious reason's, but I'd love to see her have a show with the entire cast on it. That would be very cool!
Sent one. Maybe if it gets more Media attention it will be published abroad too.
just sent it!

Dear Oprah,

I am writing to inform you of a little known celebrity who is trying to have a postive impact on the younger male members of society. His book, 'Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny' gives answers to questions young men have no one to ask, but need answers to. This actor, a very inspirational African-American, is Hill Harper.

Hill's Ivy League educaion does not make him hard to relate to, quite the contrary. He is a sensitive, intelligent man who i am convinced will make a great guest.

Thank you for considering, and i am sure his message will be broadcast to a wider audience thanks to your show.

Lena Camara

corny, cheesy, but yeah, thats it :p
szmandatogoholic said:
You know, by doing this, we're not just promoting his book, we're promoting CSI: NY! :D
maybe she'll have the cast there, i don't know you never know if she does im on the first greyhound bus to chicago :lol:(im afraid to go on a plane and i don't have a passport)
I am SO participating. Here's a draft of my letter:

Dear Oprah,

I am writing you to inform you of a brilliant man who deserves to be showcased on your show. His name is Hill Harper & he is a man both of acting & writing talents. He has a book entitled "Letters to a Young Brother: MANifest Your Destiny" which targets out the young males of the African American nation but really, everyone can benefit from this book. This is a book for the many generations to come.

This isn't just your typical book penned by a celebrity. Hill paints a mental image through the words & novels of his book. Through the depths of his soul he tries to inspire a nation who once suffered through the hands of another man many years ago. He tackles issues that many today consider taboo and explain in great depth through his own eyes, from his own experience growing up. He draws upon his past in a positive manner to teach us all a lesson, something we can all learn from. Each page increased my interest in what this man of much wisdom has to offer.

This book has so much to offer society just as Hill himself does. This man deserves to be on the show to promote his book. He has the total package from his big and luscious lips to his brain that got him into an Ivy League school. America and every other country out there need to know about this man and they need to learn everything he can teach us. Basically, he's a genius who deserves much more then he's getting. Not only will you be helping him and his book sales you'll be inspiring everyone who tunes into your show which exactly is your purpose right? You won't regret having this man on your show.


Mina S.