Shocking news such as this drag me out of my hole and bring me back here. I'm still a Nick(y)Fan but things changed way too much over the past years.
George/Nick never got what he deserved, which would have been so much more than he actually got.

But still George continued working for a project he was not comepletely happy with anymore. In his last interviews he said that there were/are times when he is frustrated with the show and the way things are going. In my opinion it was only a matter of time until the big bang! Maybe it was this stupid "dangerous relationship"-storyline they wanted to put on Nick, who knows?
All I know is that this stupid little article isn't telling the whole story. I'm sure there is more to it than that. A regular cast member who has been there since the beginning isn't just taking a leave of absence over a simple argument.
Maybe George snapped this time after keeping his mouth shut way too long? Who could blame him? We all think that this show is going downhill for years now... and I hate what they did to our Nick. :scream: The character isn't the same Nick we grew to love. He changed so much... and I hate what became of him. I only continue watching the show because I really like George and because my heart still beats strong for Nick, even though it's really frustrating to watch these days.
Even if George came back, I doubt it will be for good. It's like
Smokey said... they won't write any good stuff for him and I hate to watch the show (when he is in it) knowing he is not happy with what he is doing.
George was right for stepping up and protecting his character. It sucks that all the years and the energy he put into the show (he was even filming when he should have been in the hospital because of his back, for christ's sake! :scream

don't seem to matter to tptb. It really is a shame! George deserves so much better than that!
So George if you read this... stay strong, we support you every step of the way and we think you did the right thing! :thumbsup:
Greetings from Germany!