George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #45

Congrats on winning blackflag :)

and a thinking theme on top of working all day :eek: you know me I'm in :)

Here goes

If Nick's going to wear a hat a least make it a proper baseball cap.

Open Nick is :drool:worthy but please don't choke yourself :rolleyes:

Sweater over shirt is great but no shirt is even better :lol:

No Stripes are much more flattering than stripes in the sweater department.

I think at the moment that is all my tired and overworked brain can come up with :)
So, I guess that on this absolutely georgous day we have here today that Nick :devil: is on his way to visit Jacquie. Unfortunately he didn't need the sweater :drool: or even a long sleeved shirt :drool: today (it's 71 degrees! :)) but that doesn't mean that I don't like seeing him in them. :lol:

Hello, ladies :) I hope you all had a nice weekend! Mine was kinda stressful but would have been okay if the damn laptop would have worked :(

Now it seems to be working again so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that everything is okay again.

Congrats on winning, Jacquie! Hope I can play your theme :)
So, I guess that on this absolutely georgous day we have here today that Nick :devil: is on his way to visit Jacquie. Unfortunately he didn't need the sweater :drool: or even a long sleeved shirt :drool: today (it's 71 degrees! :)) but that doesn't mean that I don't like seeing him in them. :lol:


Thanks blackflag :) Nick has shown up but instead of sun we've got clouds and hopefully some much needed rain.

New theme :) I was going to do a thinking theme but I think I'll take it easy on you today :) Lets see what you can come up with for Nick or George wearing white. 12 pics in about 24-26 hours. Happy Hunting :devil:
Good Evening all :)

Well we didn't get our rain today :( I'm thinking it's going to be one of those years when the rain will be in the forecast but will miss us :rolleyes:

It's quite windy out here so Nick should get to the either blackflag or NickyFan quickly :)

blackflag you get the award for posting the not so obvious white :)

But NickyFan gets to spend some time with Nick cause that is one :drool:worthy pic :) So congrats on winning NickyFan. Nick should be there shortly. Enjoy :devil:
That is a great photo and an episode with lots of great Nicky scenes.

It is, isn't it? :adore: Even though Nick is sooo naive and green behind the ears in this one it's was a good ep for him :) He was so adorable in it :luvlove:

Thanks for sending Nick my way, Jacquie :)
Nick will spend a sunny afternoon with me in the park.

Now onto a theme... hmm... how about profiles? The closer the better :)

Up to 12 in 24 hours.

Happy hunting, ladies!
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Hey, ladies :)

It's time to send Nick on his way to the next lucky Ward girl :)

But where will he go?

To blackflag??? Or to Jacquie??? Hard decision...

But Nick will spend the next 24 hours with blackflag! :)

Enjoy your Nick time, blackflag :devil: Thanks for playing, ladies.
Thanks NickyFan.

I've got Nick on my last full day without the kids here on this vacation week. :)

Next theme...

Since the season's coming to a close soon (all too soon! :() how about some season 12 Nick/George. Up to 12. Winner in 24 hours or so. ;)

Happy hunting. :lol:

Why is it that PB is not working right when I want to play? *sigh* :(

Hope I can play your theme tomorrow, blackflag.