George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #44

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Sometimes I absolutely HATE computers!!! :scream: :scream: I want to go on the supermarket website and I keep getting some 'media shift' that sends me to some ad site that McAfee's got down as red and all I want to do is print up a list of what coupons we've got on our card.
And this was after spending 10 minutes with nothing wanting to come up in the first place! :scream:

Don't tell her but it looks like blackflagwill be getting a surprise visit from Nick. Who wouldn't love adult size pacifiers, test tubes and candy on their tree :drool: :guffaw: So congrats on winning blackflag :) Nick should be joining you shortly. Enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Thanks for sending Nick my way Jacquie. He's just gonna love it here tomorrow - while it's pouring! :rolleyes: :devil:

Of those 3, the candy is the only thing we've got on ours - candy canes that is. :)

New theme...

I think I'll go with up to 12 pics of Nick/George/OC sitting. :) Winner hopefully in 24 hours. :)

Congrats Blackflag!!

Just finished a movie from 1986, with Judd Nelson, Ally Sheedy, David Caruso and Scott Wilson in it. All I could keep thinking of was about 2 degrees of separation with CSI :guffaw:

First set of sitting:

Ladies, I will be doing my best to post the winner tomorrow however I am down 1 good computer and stuck on 1 old computer that currently runs XP and gets very slow with more than 1 window open. :( This 'mediashift' problem I mentioned above seems to be infecting the whole computer and I can't get it to work the printer or to even run McAffee. :scream: Aint it just great when the virus infects the virus scanner! :wtf: Anyways we've got to take the good computer to Staples tomorrow to hopefully not take too long to clean it up. After spending around 3 hours this afternoon trying to fix it, I would prefer to just throw it out the window so it's best to just bring it to the professionals. :rolleyes:

Some Nick for me.

Hello, just popping in from the Szmanda thread! I didn't know if you guys have seen the large version of George's cast photo so I uploaded it for you here -- you just need to click on the "download" button and you should get it. Please forgive me if you've seen it already!

Thanks for posting that! I saw the Eric one first, and was hoping someone would do the same here. :)

Congrats on winning, blackflag! Hope your computer gets fixed soon!

First set of sitting:

Morning all :)

I do so hate this time of the year. For the next 3 weeks ordering and deliveries at the store are shuffled to accommodate the holidays. It really mess with the mind and the internal clock. I'm normally up at 5:30 on Wednesdays but since we got the delivery yesterday I got to sleep in. Yeah right :rolleyes: the internal clock was up at 5:30 :rolleyes: Oh well I got some reading in :)

my second set of theme pics

Our poor computer is at Staples for the next 3 days. :( They did a scan of it while we waited, took longer than they expected, but it found no major problems. There were 10 questionable registry items but that was it. They're going to do what they call a 'tune up' on it and see if that helps. We did find out some interesting stuff - like McAfee's ratings have gone way down - so we're going to do some research and find a different virus scanner instead of letting them just renew our current subscription early next year. (Possibly Norton which is the same price and much better rated.)

Nearly time for me to be giving Nick up to one of you lucky people. :(

Your runners up:
NickyFan - so young! :adore:
Raynn - confuzzled Nicky. :luvlove:
Princess - Hey George, isn't it about time for another shirtless scene? :devil:
Jacquie - after hurting my back shoveling I know why he sits like this - feels better because your back is straighter. :thumbsup: (tough choice between this and #10 :lol:)


Ladybronco - there have been many great interview room scenes with Nick and Brass. I love the 2 of them doing interviews together. :lol: ;) (I also loved your #11. :thumbsup:)

Thanks Blackflag!!
Nick had to wait a bit for me to come home from the store, but he arrived safely and will be spending the evening helping me with my last Christmas project. Then we will be catching the repeat of CSI tonight. Not one of my favorites, but I think I only saw it once before, so it will be pretty fresh tonight. I know I haven't capped it :lol:

For our next theme, I'll keep it simple, no thinking for the moment :D
Give me 12 of your best Confuzzled Nick pics! Winner in the next 24 hours or so. Happy Hunting! :devil:
This computer isn't the greatest for this but I've discovered if I put them in the notepad instead of having TalkCSI and Photobucket open at the same time it takes much less time. :)

second set of confuzzled Nick: :drool:

Off I go to wrap presents since I can't wrap the kids stuff while they're here and they're here starting at 2:15 and 3:20 this afternoon! :eek: (Also have to mix a second batch of sugar cookies as mom decided we should do a double batch after I started mixing the first! :shifty:)

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