George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #42

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Wow, thanks NickyFan!!

Nick arrived just as my men were taking off for the afternoon :devil:

Glad to hear you are feeling better, addictedtoSpeed!
I hate anything sinus related!! :(

Ok ladies, for the next theme, should I do another thinking theme???
Or should I make it really easy??
I'm having a hard time deciding :evil:

Alright, lets go easy on this hot 90 degree day, and go with some Vest Porn, I haven't done that one in a while. Happy Hunting ladies! :D

12 pics in about 26 hours!!

ETA: I can't get over how young he looks in that pic that Blackflag posted! :lol: :alienblush:

ETA #2: Happy Anniversary addictedtoSpeed!! :cool:
I just now saw where you mentioned that!
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