George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #41

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Well, time to choose a new winner and send Nick winging his way to the next Ward girl! We've had a great time and super weather :devil:

This was another theme that made it hard for me to choose, as again, all of the photos were excellent!!

Runners Up:

Blackflag, very close with this shot, mostly because of the look on Nicks face :lol: Although shot number 7 was almost a tie because of the wings very nearly behind them.
Princess, with this totally cool picture all in black! Woot! Although the look on Nick's face here is priceless!
Jacquie very nearly got Nick back with this yummy shot, and this really happy and crinkly shot with Warrick. :drool:

And my winner is Raynn, with this lovely peek of arm and this shot of Henry and Nick, showing tantalizing back-lighting, sincere chocolate, some hand-porn and almost open Nick. :adore:

Congrats Raynn, Nick is on his way north and should be there shortly! Enjoy!! :devil:
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Why thank you ladybronco! Nick arrived safe and sound, although a bit tired. Since I'm tired too, let's keep it simple. Next theme: arm porn. The usual 12 in about 24-26.
Well, I've had a very enjoyable day with those gorgeous arms.. :drool: but now it's time for Nick to move on.

Runners up:
ladybronco - so many gorgeous moments in that episode
blackflag - tight t-shirt, open nick, and those jeans :drool:
ladybronco - trying real hard to get Nick back, aren't you! :lol:

Jacquie - I can never resist either of these two :drool: :adore: :drool: so Nick is on the next WestJet flight headed east. Enjoy!
Good sunny Thursday morning everyone :)

and we may not be getting new Nick tonight but.......

Jacquie - I can never resist either of these two :drool: :adore: :drool: so Nick is on the next WestJet flight headed east. Enjoy!

look who showed up in time for Breakfast :) Thanks Raynn for sending Nick my way :)

So new theme :) Since it will be a day for needing sunnies :) lets see what you can come up with in eyewear pictures. And if you really want to have a challenge see if you can find 12 different eyewear pictures :) 12 pics in about 24 hours. Happy Hunting while I go and see how my guest is doing :)
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