George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #41

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I got so excited with those new pics yesterday (especially those ones from Dustin! :drool:) I completely forgot about posting my third set. And I had them all planned out! :wtf: :lol: :alienblush:
the quilted jacket! :drool: (he wears it so well)


yes we did have a good time with those pics :drool: and then the ones from Hitting for the Cycle :drool:

my third set of pics

leather jacket
black jeans
T-shirt and sunnies
dressed to impress
blue jeans and a t-shirt
the lumberjack look
Well, it's about that time again. Nick's heading out, just ahead of the snow (I tried to convince him to take it with him, but I don't think he wants to :rolleyes:).

Runners up:
blackflag - I don't really like the khaki pants, but you present a good argument for them here.. :devil:
Princess - I think I'm obsessed with those jeans. :drool:
Jacquie - I do love the short-sleeved shirts.
blackflag - t-shirts are good too, and those jeans again.. :luvlove:

Smokey - I was wondering how many of this type of "outfit" I'd get. :devil:
Oh boy!!! Thanks, Raynn! How great to get Nick on a Nick-less night. :)

I'm going to go with the obvious here. It's St. Patrick's day, so let's go green! :beer: Up to 18 pics in about 24 hours. Have fun!!
It's currently 11C here and a bit on the cloudy side. I actually had the windows open earlier to air the place a bit. Sigh :) Spring is truly around the corner as our Tulips have poked themselves up through the soil :) :) :)

my second set of green

green something
money (ok we many not be able to actually see the colour but we all know that US currency has green it it :D:)
foliage in the background
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