George/Nick Syndrome Ward Pics #41

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Whew! Busy day, but Nick was a big help! He's ready for a rest, but I'm not sure he'll get it at the next Ward girl's house. ;)

Runners up:

Jacquie -
wonderif he knows just how gorgeous he is? :adore:
Blackflag -
pretty much perfect! :D
- very close with this hot one! :drool:

And the lucky lady this round is Raynn! :) You win for this one, another from Working Stiffs where he looked sooooo good! And for this one where his hair (and everything!) is just perfect. :adore: Congrats and enjoy your Nick time! :)
Thanks Smokey! Nick just arrived (I love how soft and fuzzy his hair is in that ep). I'll try to let him get some rest. ;)

I'm feeling a bit under the weather today (which sucks, because despite being freezing, it's lovely and sunny), so I'm going to go with a nice easy theme - that gorgeous smile to help me feel better. :) Up to 18 in about 24.
Congrats on winning Raynn :) but sorry to hear you're under the weather :( Hopefully Nick will help make you feel better :)

The weather here today was absolutely georgeous. It started off cold and sunny but as the temperature rose it stayed Sunny :) :) :)

my first set of smiles

it's still feels weird typing out more numbers. Weird but good :)
It's weird but hard! I sometimes have trouble remembering what I've posted let alone what everyone else has. :lol:

Over sixty to remember, it's almost as hard as trying to choose a winner from that many! :lol:

Sorry I'm a bit late with this - internet was down for a while this evening.

Runners up:
Smokey - two lovely smiles :lol:
Jacquie - so handsome :drool:
blackflag - gorgeous, head to toe. :luvlove:

- for this great smile, and this sweet little smile. :adore:
Thanks Raynn. Nick arrived last night and I'm just now getting to the Ward. :devil:

So theme........I'd like at least 18 of your best arm porn in 24 hours.

Have fun ladies.
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