George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #34

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Congrats on winning Jacquie :thumbsup: ! Ohhh doubleporn theme! I'll do my best not to post any dupes:

First set:

6 (I know it's not "Nick" ;) but I'd suspect he is talking about him in the interview :) )
So I'm not interrupting anyone dinner plans or sleeping times I decided to send Nick on his way a little early. We've had a lovely day making bread and pizza crusts but apart from that we've done nothing :D and I'll leave that 'nothing' to your imaginations :devil:

since there were only 6 playing everyone gets a mention :)

runners up in no particular order

Smokey I like the cocky little smile
Princess oh so hot. I know when isn't he hot :D
Stokes4Me sigh :) I love this scene
bookgirl I love it when you test the theme boundaries. Yup the sunnies are there :)
blackflag I couldn't resist this one :drool:

So this must mean that Yoshi is the lucky recipient of our favourite Texan. Now the dilemma I have is which picture wins. Does this one do the trick with the buzz, sunnies and white open Nick which is oh so yummy :drool: or should I go with this one that an oh so light sprinkling of grey in the hair :drool: Decisions, decisions :lol: anyways congrats on winning Yoshi and enjoy your Nick time :devil:
Ahh, the patience of this guy bless him.

I've had a bit of a day of it all today so I'm looking for some simple pleasures, so arm porn it is. :D

12 in 24 hours please, maybe a tad longer if I get called into work again.

I'm off for some fun and games
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