George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #34

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Good sunny Sunday everyone :)

And how much more of a sunny day could I ask for when this guy showed up at my door this morning :) but Smokey whats with all the sweatshirts Nick is wearing. It's a lovely day here today with a high of 24C expected. Just perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon in the summer.

I was visiting the Fan Art Forum earlier and a challenge there sort of gave me an idea for my theme. Nick and internet slang terms. I think most of us have an idea of what some of the more common terms are, lol, brb, wtf, bff, etc from IM'ing or texting with our friends. So what pictures can you come up for these slang terms. You can also use other terms that you like. Unlike the fan art forum you don't need to decortate the pictures. You just need to come up with pics to best suit the slang terms. I hope this is making sense :) Anyways a maximium of 12 pics in about 27 hours. Happy hunting while I go entertain my bff :)
First set:

DIY (Do It Yourself)
APOD (Another Point Of Discussion), could be PS too:guffaw:
BB (Bye-Bye)
BDay (Birthday)
BFFL (Best Friends For Life)
CBI (Can't Believe It)

I really don't know if you can translate them all... so I wrote the full term beside the pics... needed a dictionary to get them :rolleyes::lol:
Congrats Jacquie. Interesting theme.

First set, and this might be my only set :D

wtf? (What the f***?)
brb! (Be right back!)
lol (Laughing out loud)
FOAD (F*** off and die!)
omg! (Oh my god!)
bff (Best friends forever)
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Well whaddya know! I found a second set. Hope George pics are ok?

BAMF!! (Bad A** Mother F******!)
wb (Welcome back)
xox (kiss hug kiss)
2h2h ( Too hot to handle)
aak (alive and kicking)
srsly? (seriously?)
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Congratulations Jacquie on your win! And what an interesting theme... here's my first set:

gmta (great minds think alike)
myob (mind your own buisness)
gfi (go for it)
wysiwyg (what you see is what you get)
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Finally able to mow the lawn.

Jacquie, I'm someone who doesn't particulary use internet slang! This isn't easy. I went back to the original post for the icon challenge and brought up one of the links with them. :alienblush:

First set:
MTFBWY - May The Force Be With You :) (as a Star Wars fan I love this one. :lol:)
BFF - Best Friends Forever
ADAD - Another Day Another Dollar
LOL - Laugh Out Loud
WTF - What The F**k
IRL - Real Life

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It's not cheating Bookgirl. I had to too! :p

Second set:
GFU - Good For You :thumbsup:
HAND - Have A Nice Day
PITA - Pain In The A** (even tho it was really a pain in the back)
JAS Just A Sec
BBL - Be Back Later
NS - Nice Shot

And no using the dictionary is not cheating. I don't text nor do I IM a lot so I'll probably have to resort to it myself to see what the terms me :)

Of course George pictures are OK. You can also use Adam, Gus, Shorty, Evel and the other Nick :)
Congrats Jacquie. Very interesting theme you've given us. I'll do my best to come up with at least one set

AVSB (a very special boy)
AYFK (are you f'ing kidding)
BFF (best friends forever)
B2W (back to work)
BAMF (bad *** mother ****** )
AWK (awkward)
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