George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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that I get to use a new smiley and help Stokes4Me post again​
Just thought I'd pop in to say good morning everyone! *yawn* gosh I'm so tired, didn't get any sleep last night!

It's only Tuesday and I had to go back and look to find out who had Nick. :wtf: I sure am glad the kids leave for 4 days tomorrow. (even though I'm not sure that will help my memory any!)

A little late, and pardon my dishevelment, I was...busy. :lol:

You guys sure made it hard to pick a winner! And Nick is making it hard to say goodbye! But, gotta do what a girl's gotta do!

Princess gets an honourable mention for 'disrobing', and I must be the only person who actually likes that t-shirt!

Runners up:

GregNickRyanFan - Yowza! I'm not a fan of the hair, but this 'down 2' pic made me think of 'down' in all the right ways!
bookgirl20 - You realize you had this diamond cap after a cap of Nick kneeling on one knee right?! Hand porn...always good!
Smokey - Yes he's dirty but I love the smile!
Stokes4Me - Dang! I've never seen that pic before!
Jacquie - Double yummy! Oh but Nick always looks good when he's lit up like that!
Yoshi - I'm jealous of the glass..and the ice...and the cola! Nice combo of porn too!

And that makes the winner blackflag - Another pic I haven't seen before, I love the glasses, the strong jaw, the neck, the crinkles...:drool:!

Try not to forget who has Nick this time :lol: He's exhausted but primed and ready to go! Enjoy!
they say the memory is the second thing to go. No one can remember what the first is though :guffaw:

ROTFLMAO! This cracked me up!

GregNickRyanFan - Yowza! I'm not a fan of the hair, but this 'down 2' pic made me think of 'down' in all the right ways!

Hehehe. :D

I can't believe we're almost ready for a new thread again. Nicky can't believe it either. :)
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Oh, Wow! Guess who appeared just before we locked the door for the night. It's gonna be even better making those chocolate cookies tomorrow. :p

Congrats on winning blackflag :) Do remember you have Nick and don't forget to give us a theme :lol:

Theme? :confused: Oh, yah, I've gotta give you girls something to keep you busy, don't I.

Lets see, how about this. I want to see just how well you girls know me. :bolian: Search your collections. In 12 pics I want what you think I would like the best. Make me drool gang. I don't know when the winner will be. (For some strange reason I have trouble keeping internet connection on this computer when my brother is here. :confused: So I may have to wait until I'm on the good one)

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