George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#31

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Passing by to scatter some pretties and allow Something_wicked to post again​
Good Morning y'all :)

It's Friday the 13th :D but that is still good news to me. I've had Nick over night :D, last nights show was good, as always, and when I finish today's shift I'm off for the next 4, yes that's right 4 days :) a very rare occurrence for me. So don't mind me if I gloat a little over that.

Looking forward to the theme pics :drool:
Well the time has come for me to part with Nick :( but Nick has had an excellent time here. He got to help me start my 4 day weekend off so I really can't complain to much.

Honourable mentions goes to Smokey for her picture of buzz and chocolate from No Humans Involved and egeria Nesting Dolls buzz, open Nick and chocolate :drool:.

Runners up are

something_wicked Harvest buzz :)
bookgirl a non open Nick, buzz and chocolate combo. I wonder if fries and drink come with the combo :lol:
Princess Two and a Half Deaths :lol:
Stokes4Me and another Nesting Dolls combo :drool:
blackflag with Whats eating Gilbert Grissom combo :drool:

so I guess that leaves Yoshi as the winner. I can't decide between this lovely Mr Big number :adore: or this lovely gem. I don't think it matters as they are both very :drool:worthy. It's been far too long since I sent Nick your way Yoshi but I think it's time. Enjoy your Valentine's Day with you own private package of Chocolate :devil:
Sorry I've been MIA. Thank you for all the birthday wishes! You ladies rock! I should be back in the game next theme! Congrats on the win Yoshi! And thanks for the new caps bookgirl.

What a surprise :adore:

Sorry for the delay in the theme folks, happenings have been happening.
But I'm here now and I'd like some smiles please because there aren't enough around right now.
12 in 24 please.

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