George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#30

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WhiteChristmas someone else was having trouble getting onto Yahoo the other day and ended needing to upgrade her version. You may need to see about that :)

I guess what I mean by 'look' is long vs short vs buzz vs stache vs scruff :)

The oh they're at it again look :)
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WhiteChristmas someone else was having trouble getting onto Yahoo the other day and ended needing to upgrade her version. You may need to see about that :)

I don't know if that will help. I just realized that I don't even have the most recent version! :lol: So I just now upgraded. Oh goody! Maybe now I will be getting kicked off every few minutes too! :lol:
Hey, ladies. I was cleaning my room yesterday and found a pic from some issue of tv guide (probably a while back) that I had forgotten to scan. So, I scanned it today. It's of Nicky with Grissom. Nick's holding some kind of evidence, but I can't tell what it is. Anyone know what ep this pic could be from? I haven't a clue especially since I don't know how old the pic is. :lol:
Hey, ladies. I was cleaning my room yesterday and found a pic from some issue of tv guide (probably a while back) that I had forgotten to scan. So, I scanned it today. It's of Nicky with Grissom. Nick's holding some kind of evidence, but I can't tell what it is. Anyone know what ep this pic could be from? I haven't a clue especially since I don't know how old the pic is. :lol:

Me thinks it's from Drop's Out but I could be wrong & I am most likely too!:lol:
Hey, ladies. I was cleaning my room yesterday and found a pic from some issue of tv guide (probably a while back) that I had forgotten to scan. So, I scanned it today. It's of Nicky with Grissom. Nick's holding some kind of evidence, but I can't tell what it is. Anyone know what ep this pic could be from? I haven't a clue especially since I don't know how old the pic is. :lol:

That's from season 8 Drop's Out.

Starting the day off nicely

eta: Morning Stokes4Santa :D
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Yeah, Yoshi I kinda got there before you and just as I had posted my reply to CSI Snow Angel I realized I had 2 posts in a row and didn't think I was allowed to:alienblush:

Anyways best keep it legal...:lol:
Good Morning y'all :)

Nick will be leaving here shortly but when he arrives he's going to look more like Smokey's bumble avatar as it's cooolllldddd here this morning. Brrrrr.

Well as always it's been difficult to pick the winner but here goes and I'm going with your real user names. It's damn difficult as it is trying to figure out who we all are :guffaw:

Princess a good clean cut look
blackflag yes you know I like this look :)
Stokes4Me I love the pouty look
Smokey the :drool: look
bookgirl I'm not partial to the sideburns but the chocolate in this pic.....:drool:
egeria what more can be said but Snakes porn

and that leaves the winner as Yoshi and I can't decide which of her pics should win. It's toss between season 5 from Compulsions when Nick is telling Cavalier off or from this season's Woulda, Coulda, Shoulda in the lab talking about mailbox baseball. So congrats Yoshi :) and enjoy your Nick time :devil: and I will take all the blame if we are hosed :) Cover you laptops just in case :guffaw:
Congratulations and celebrations to you Yoshi! Nick is making his way to yours as I'm posting this:thumbsup: and you lucky so and so..he is wearing the vest :drool::drool::drool:
Lovely :D

Just what I need for this wet, cold and grey day. A little too cold for this hair cut though - shame.

So - I'm going to go with a calendar theme. Show me what Nick/George/OC caps you'd put from January to December, which conveniently is 12 caps.

So 12 in 24 - and I'll be off as I have someone to see.
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