George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#30

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Evening folks.
Sorry for the delay, I ended up with a very late stay at work and I'm just about awake now.

You went all out for this one - georgeous caps all round :D

Honourable mentions for blackflag's grey pullover, egeria's Gumdrops, Princess' Seller Beware and Steph's Crows feet cap.

As you've noticed I'm running with the regular board names as my poor brain hurts trying to think right now.

Jacquie one of my favourite episodes
bookgirl haven't had the pleasure of this in a while
speedy another favourite episode and some beautiful chocolate
Stokes4Me again with the chocolate
smokey ya made me squee like a teen :lol:
Kat oooh - nearly won with this, I like the goatee on him

but today's winner is
......MsCB with this, one of my favourite looks, buzz with some open nick and a little arm porn :drool: I lurrrrrve season 5.

He's on his way over and I need to crash before I start printing up all these 2009 calendars :D
Thanks Yoshi. Nicky will be a big help brighting my finals week at school. He can help me study for my first one tomorrow.

As for theme I'm gonna go with a I spy theme. The letter 'F'. Lets say 12 in about 24 hours.

I'm off to go study with Nicky for a bit. Happy hunting ladies. :)

PS. If your printing I want one of those calenders too.
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