George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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Just scattering randoms

Thanky Yoshi! :D

First pic...anyone but me wonder why Nick and Brass were the only ones to warrant bulletproof vests in "For Warrick"? :lol:

I know! I know! Ok, I don't know why Greg isn't wear one, but cops ususally wear the bullet proof vests under their uniform, with the exception of SWAT, DEA, etc.

Just scattering randoms

Thanky Yoshi! :D

First pic...anyone but me wonder why Nick and Brass were the only ones to warrant bulletproof vests in "For Warrick"? :lol:

I know! I know! Ok, I don't know why Greg isn't wear one, but cops ususally wear the bullet proof vests under their uniform, with the exception of SWAT, DEA, etc.

Basically because a uniformed officer usually has a bullet proof vest on under their uniform shirt. They never know when they might be in a gun fight and it's considered part of the uniform. Brass being a detective and Nick being a CSI didn't already have one on. :D Greg doesn't carry a gun and isn't expected to get into that type of situation.

And it also made for some :drool: caps for us! :lol:

Congrats on your win of Nicky Jacquie :)

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look who showed up at the front door this morning complete with a bad hair do :guffaw:Princess, Nick was looking a little worse for wear there. You obviously had a good time :devil: So on to a new theme. Lets see what your imaginations can come up with on this Friday morning. I want to see Nick, George, Shorty, Gus, Evel and anyone else you can think of with different modes of Transportation. I'll leave it entirely up to you as to what you would like to post :) 12 pics and I will post sometime Saturday but with the store getting busier as Christmas approaches I don't have as much Nick time. Which is good for me but not for Nick :)

Nick and I have to get rid of Brass as we have some things to discuss :devil:
Since transportation is defined as a means of conveyance, I hope you enjoy my imagination on different types of transportation.

Second set of theme pics:
prison bus
go kart
feet (my favorite mode of transportation :))
bull (not that I'd personally try this one! :lol:)
paraglider (don't really think I'd try this either! :lol:)

Before I post my second set, someone brought up in the episode discussion of last night that George/Nick wasn't wearing his jewelery in some scenes. Now, I didn't notice this but maybe one of you did?

I noticed, in his first scenes, that he had on a black (or other dark color) sweatband instead of his leather wristband but that was all I noticed last night. I can't get on the other computer till this afternoon but I'll see what I can find when I cap it. :)

Before I post my second set, someone brought up in the episode discussion of last night that George/Nick wasn't wearing his jewelery in some scenes. Now, I didn't notice this but maybe one of you did?

I could say runs to VCR to re-watch last nights show but I'll leave it to the mad cappers to show us the evidence. I'm pretty sure I saw Nick's accessories last night. They've become so much apart of George/Nick that I can't see them not being there.
Hey y'all, I'd like to play, but I don't understand the posting rules...

Could someone help a girl out?


Of course we can help you out :)

the rules are simple :) You post pictures according to what the theme is. So this current theme is of Nick, George, and his various other characters with different modes of transportation. You can post 12 pics but a max of 6 pics per post. We like to keep on Destiny and Tally's good side :) We typically have 24 hours to post pics but since real life gets in the way some times it takes a little longer. Once the time is up the current theme winner goes through the collection of pics and selects the next winner. And that winner gets Nick for the next 24 hours or so :)That winner starts all over again :) Audrey I hope this helps :) and welcome to the Ward :)
Before I post my second set, someone brought up in the episode discussion of last night that George/Nick wasn't wearing his jewelery in some scenes. Now, I didn't notice this but maybe one of you did?

Here you go. He was wearing this sweatband instead of his leather wristband. I don't know about the ring because we never see that part of his hand clearly. :)

Now back to put the rest of my caps in photobucket. :thumbsup:


ETA: A few more pics:
with Riley and Greggo
What a face!
I admit you did good Hodges! This time. :lol:
some chocolate
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