George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#29

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ooooh this was so nice! I :drool: a lot going through these.

Honorable mentions go to Yoshi, bookgirl and blackflag......all had great shots. It was very hard to decide.

MsCatherineBrown - loved this one!!
speedystokesgirl - :drool:
CSI Stokes Girl - love this stare!
Jacquie - makes me melt.
Smokey - one of my all time fav's!
steph was so close with the baby shot!

winner is

PrincessJ88 with this gorgeous pic with the smile!
Wow after all the cursing and fussing and wanting to rip my hair out over this bloody computer, I find out I won? Thanks. I just quickly put that second set together so I'm surprised that one won.

So, anyway, about vest porn? The usual 12 in may be longer depending on if my computer cooperates.

Don't forget for us in the US of A Election Day is Tuesday......go out and vote. It's also my birthday so I'll be celebrating two big events.....and thanks to Blackflag I already have a really great present heading my way.
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