George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#28

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Well good evening everyone :)

Sorry about no morning pic but I was otherwise occupied :D

Yoshi dear I hope you are feeling better soon :)

blackflag I don't know who started the little stoker comments. I know I was playing the theme when it started but we've been playing for over 2 and a half years now :) I do know that it was you and I who started calling open neck themes Open Nick :D

Now I guess you would like to know who the lucky winner of a an evening with Nick is, eh! :)

Smokey with this little number
speedy the shy smile
bookgirl the tentative smile
Yoshi full blown smile complete with the little guy :)
Princess with the smiling profile

and the lucky Ward girl to win Nick for the night is.....blackflag with the embarrassed smile but the I like the memories smile at the same time. So blackflag I've just bundled Nick up and he's on his way. Enjoy :devil:
Yep. :) Feel free to use them to make icons/banners, etc if you wish. At some point I've got to start on Disc Two of Season 6. :)

Nice job! You should put your tag on them. :)

I would, but I can't get a watermark to work right on mine. I want one where it looks like it's kind of clearish but still readable and my stupid watermark program won't do that apparently. :lol:
Jacquie, it just seems natural to type open Nick instead of open neck. :lol: What can I say.

King Baby has always been good for smiles and silly looks. They had a lot of fun with eachother in that one.

Lets see ... New theme ..........

How about what we've been talking about. I want Open Nick please. :) 12 in probably more like 28 hours. Wednesday mornings get way to hectic in this house with trying to get the kids out, the cats fed, and everything else.

Jacquie, it just seems natural to type open Nick instead of open neck. :lol: What can I say.


I think the only thing you can say here blackflag is get the :drool: buckets ready :guffaw:

My what a hard way to start the morning. Looking at pics of Open Nick :D I wish ever day was this hard :guffaw:

open Nick in flannel
open Nick in white
one more button would be oh so Nick
Yes Nick we want you to undo one more button
very difficult to decide on what to post from this photo shot
now if we could move Catherine.........

Yoshi how are you feeling this morning. Did taking two Nick's work?? I was thinking that if two Nick's weren't enough you might want to add two Greg's into the mix :devil:
open 5 can i take him home with me...please?

Nope. He's mine today/night. :drool: You've had him enough lately. :shifty:



Second set:

open 7
open 8
open 9
open 10 I'd love a larger and clearer shot of this :drool:
open 11
open 12
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