George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#28

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Steph I think the pic in question is season 7. I'd check my album but photobucket is not responding :scream: if yours is working you can post your second set now :)
Yeah he certainly is wearing a "What? Me Worried?" look about him.

Now if I can just get him to pay my vet bill...*saunters off to write letter of appeal to George.."

Sneezing is not the first thing I think of when I see this pic. :lol:

MFCSI, what on earth happened to the kitty's tail??! Hope he's okay.

Just saw that "Drops" is going to be performing here in town in a few weeks. :lol: I might just have to check that out, if only to try to meet him and say, "Could I please touch your hand right there where George touched it??" :D
George looks like he stubbed his toe or something in that photo..

"!! Ow!!"

Stella, my fat brown tabby, has a mass on her tail. The vet said it's a sebacious cyst and wants to remove it, but because it's infect we have to wait at least three weeks before it can be done.

Thank God I work there, at least I get a discount.

*still writing Dear George: Please send money to pay for my cat's vet bill. Purty please with surgar on top. Love..Your fan.."
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