George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#25

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Congratulations Kristine!
Great pic!
Hope the bad weather is gone Smokey! Please don't send it my way though! :p

I was worried you all wouldn't like my theme choice but it seems it's going well. What competition! I'll have to get up early tomorrow to post the results!
Thanks! I am always slightly nervous when I come into new threads but this guy makes it hard to resist!

(Thanks, I love your avi too, that is my favorite Flack moment :p)
Oh Speedy, are you wanting to post again? :D

Yes I was Smokey, thanks! I figured everyone left for the night.

Last set:
Why do I always have to fingerprint the tops? A Smokey Special
Sorry Rick, I'm in a rush, the girls are waiting
dibbs on any money found between the cushions
Hodges, WHAT are you doing with my pop?
Please, don't share anymore personal information with me, Hodges
I'm really not trying to laugh here, but I don't think I'll be able to hold it in much longer

Yup, all from the same episode, gotta a problem with that? :cool:


Welcome to the Ward. Don't be nervous, we're all real friendly here.
Awesome to be here! Just to make things easier call me Megan ;)

What I need to figure out is how to post pictures on these! Do I need a livejournal or photobucket account?
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