George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#25

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I was just wandering in to share that I got the screencap program to work and snagged some of my own this morning. It's kind of addicting isn't it?

Look what I can do!
dark but pretty
an oh yeah moment? I wasn't trying I swear
Look Nick brought me a present!
and for Smokey too

very Nick caps there bookgirl and there are addicting :) What episode are the hand ones from :)

theme pics coming up :)

blackflag how nice you left this for me :)
in the hallway with Sara
what might I find down this hallway
some sideways sickness
a full length rear shot
I need to get back to this but I will be back to post some more later :)
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Congratulations Bookgirl!
That was a great pic. Now with all that smut talk you and Smokey did last night, you should have some great ideas to try on Nicky. :thumbsup:

Yoshi, love your text message to Nick.
Now I think I will go and cap Swap Meet :)

You mean you haven't already! :wtf: I would have thought that it would have been your first episode. :lol:


Nope I just did it now :) I needed to refine my technique before I tackled it :) I need to tweak the pics a bit before they are ready for their public unveiling. If you are nice to me I will share my Little Stoker pics with you :D
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