George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics#23

Not open for further replies. theme yet? Maybe I can still play then when I get home from work this evening! :)

Congratulations, Princess! Enjoy your time with Nick!
Good Morning Ward :)

While I was watching CSI:Miami last night and being totally bored while watching it I might add, I actually saw a real American commercial before the Canadian feed cut in. And guess who was in that commercial :) It was the gang from CSI and George was in it in all his glory :) George was twirling his gun. It was shot the same time that the improving the golf handicap was done so there maybe more caps for someone to make once we can get the commercial on line :)
Good Tuesday morning ladies. Nicky just got here....and I am in desperate need of handcuffs..well while I am waiting for the cuffs I'll give you your theme:

Since it helped me to win, I want Buzz cut porn! 12 in say 30 hours or so. Happy hunting and posting!

I can't see these two pics :scream: The others are georgeous. Welcome to theme time in the Ward :) Once you start you won't stop :thumbsup:

Ok the flood warnings have just been posted for the regions where all Ward girls live. Major :drool: fest going on. My first set was season 5 so here is season 7

oh I hit the wrong note didn't I
drool fest #8
my brain has gone to mush trying to figure out captions
the shy buzz
oh no I missed the call from Princess
the betrayed buzz
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