George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #22

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It's not that I'm bored. But I feel the need to jump in and post as quick as possible or all the good pictures will be taken.
Now we all know that's impossible. There are just way too many good/fabulous/amazing pictures of the man...but the fear haunts me

More theme pics:
a good set of shoulders
is a joy to behold
whether with a friend
in a sweater
or nothing at all
bookgirl20 said:
It's not that I'm bored. But I feel the need to jump in and post as quick as possible or all the good pictures will be taken.

Same here! That, and you know...the having to go to work tomorrow thing. :(

So this is probably all the rest that I can manage to put up on this one. Hope none are duplicates. Here goes!

Next one
And another
Working hard
You're supposed to be looking at the back.
Last one
My goodness! I am running out of 'cuffs! Will have to place a new kind of a funny look when I said I didn't need any keys for them, however! :lol:
Hello everyone. Just wanted to pop in a tell you guys how much I love this thread. I have snagged almost all of the pictures from this thread. I love Nick and all his deliciousness. Hopefully I will post some finds of my own at some point. Keep up the good work. :D
bookgirl20 said:

Can I just comment before I continue- do you see the names of those three pics? black as in blackflag. Cause they were all snagged from her postings! I think they were even all for the same theme. Are we seeing a trend here? :lol: Just teasing blackflag I love your dedication to one of your favorite views.
Ok back to the topic at hand

I have a habit of getting hooked on things. Once I do I just have to do everything I can fulfill it. Needless to say I'm still searching out to make sure I have found all of that view that I can. :D

blackflag I'm here to help with your quest ;)

Yes lots of arm porn potential with this theme
*note to self - they know* :eek:

Firstly thanks for all the seriously gorgeous pics, there were a fair few new ones for me there. Secondly, let's get down to business.

I don't have any specific order to be honest here because your choices were all outstanding.

smokey new for me and oh my *fans self*
stokesgirl another broad back view - I like muchly
Jacquie I love this, the look on his face lol
Princess can't go wrong with Gum Drops and a new pic for me (in fact I snagged quite a few of yours this time around)
bookgirl loadsa porn :p

blackflag you have excelled in your determination to find the best rear views of our man for us. This got a loud 'WAHEY!' from me when you posted it in the previous theme so I had to have it win this. It was this or the Crow's Feet one you posted as well.

Congratulations and enjoy your Nicktime. :D

ETA stokesgirl I love your new avatar.
I'm saying a big thank you to the chocolate gods tonight ladies.

I had to do a therepeutic group with 9 teenagers today. I do it every Monday. You'd think that'd make it better- HA!
It was like watching a car crash, I saw the bad coming but couldn't do a thing to stop its ugly course. So to the three kids who actually made it through I offered "positive incentives" (read BRIBE!) of candy. As the last one was walking away from the vending machine candy bar in hand I realized the machine dropped two bars. And that second one was all mine! MMMM Snickers.
Does anything in the world taste better than stressfully earned free chocolate? I doubt it.

So why am I posting this here?
Cause I ran back to my office, locked the door and enjoyed my lovely candy bar with a side order of REALLY good chocolate.

Hmmm crisis averted .
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