George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #22

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I think the deadline is soon, not sure though, but maybe hurrying would be a good idea. ;) Well I'm off to bed girlies. Have fun. Goodnight :D x
Just stopping by to say all the pics posted are really hot! I can't wait till the new episodes start airing and we get more new hot Nicky :D
Adorable_Crazy I have to say it again, I love, love, LOVE your banner! It is really eye-catching :)
Ok - do this then I got to roboot my computer. It just did something really weird (even for this computer) while I was looking at the pics! :confused:

Winner Time:

Your runners up:
Adorable_Crazy - Computer from around mines time!
Speedy Stokesgirl - White open Nick shirt is a great reason to like this one.
Bookgirl - I believe that they are processors or something like that.
Jacquie - Expected you to come up with this one.
Yoshi - Yah I said it had a good chance to win but something else showed up. :lol:

Your winner is:
Smokey - One I don't have will always win out in the long run. It was still a close call with Yoshi's though. :D Sending Nick right over after dinner.

I won? Hot dog! (and I don't mean a birthday hot dog either!) I was sure Yoshi had it locked up. By the way, did anyone go to that exhibit? I did, and it was a blast!

New theme. Okay, I hope a little thinking and a little randomness will work. List your top 12 favorite episodes, Nick-centric or not, but post one Nick pic per episode. I hope that makes sense.

So 12 pics in 24 hours. Ready? Set? Go! And have fun! :)
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