George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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Good morning Ward :)

It's going to be another
day so I think what better way to warm things up for everyone is to have some random hot pics

from the beaches
to the surfer dude
to a little Evel
to the guy down on the farm
are we warmed up yet
Ooooo...this has been great fun! I hate to see it end. BTW, where is Yoshi?

Let's make a deal that all future photos must show hands too. :D Here we go!

Runners up:
Bookgirl - nice and in the foreground!
Princess - white shirt and vest complete the scene.
Babs - nice "shot" :lol:
Blackflag - cause yeah..he's thinking what he could do with it :devil:
Jacquie - oh very close to winning. <sigh>

Drum roll please! The winner is Stokesgirl! Now how could I resist? :) Okay, he's heading over, but it will probably be late after we finish watching football. Keep the light on for him!
Yea, I won! Happy Dance!

Nick to keep me warm on these cold days, what more could a girl ask for. :devil:

Thanks Smokey! Everyone had great photos, didn't think I'd win that one.

Lets see what should we have next? Lets go with pics of Nick/George/Etc. with sunglasses. He does look HOT in sunglasses.

I work late night tomorrow, so how about 15 in 36 hours? It will give me something to look forward to when I get home from work.

Oh, this is gonna be hard, isn't it? Happy hunting ladies!
Congrats on winning stokesgirl and don't be surprised with that pic as it has won many times before and will continue to win.

Smokey I don't know who you're cheering for but I hope your team wins. Yoshi is probably working. I saw her on another site that we both read and she did comment about not be at her computer for a couple of days so I figure she's earning the big bucks in England :lol:

Oh sunglasses :) I better hurry up before blackflag steals all the good season 5 ones :D

OK I won't disappoint anyone :D
Griss I'm sorry but I'm going to stokesgirl's
ready for the weather here
Congratulations stokesgirl and belated congrats to you smokey :D

Work should know better than to keep me busy when I'm on Ward Time :lol: They should know I don't like to miss a theme. By the time I got here I think almost every pic I would have had in mind was posted so I just sat back and enjoyed the scenery. Which was of course, delicious.

Now I'm settled here with a glass of something soothing, I'll post my pics:

Pic 1 free arm porn anyone?
Pic 2
Pic 3 I like the hair - I do! :eek:
Pic 4
Pic 5 yes please
Pic 6

I have to agree that season 5 is in fact a lovely place to be stuck in - I mean - Snakes. Never been hotter. But then there's Fannysmackin', Toe Tags, Ending Happy. I'm in buzz mode :lol:
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