George/Nick: Syndrome Ward Pics #21

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blackflag - your 8th pic

Pic 7
Pic 8 the look on his face :lol:
Pic 9
Pic 10
Pic 11 me liking lots
Pic 12
Good morning girls :)

I don't have to been back to the store until Wednesday :) That means more time to hang about in the Ward :) This is my first 3 day break I've had in quite a while. So without further ado here are the reasons why I'll be hanging out in the Ward

reason 1
reason 2
reason 3
reason 4
reason 5
reason 6

The list certainly could go on but I don't want us to end the year on a spraying from Destiny's famous hose :lol:
Yoshi those certainly are very good reasons to spend a lot of time in the Ward. I guess I use the quietness of the Ward as my break from dealing with people and cats all day. Mind you the furry little critters at home still manage to bother me :) I've have also found some very good fanfic to read on line. Whether it be just Nick or these two there are some good stories to read. And I love to read :)
All those wonderfull pics...Need some napkins overhere to clean up the drool :D...

The winners are...

Stokesgirl well what can I say ;)
Blackflag Well quess its a oldtime favorite ;)
Jacquie Great shirt, great porn ;)
Bookgirl you were so close Bookgirl...Anry Nick in tshirt prrrrr :devil:

but I go for this Pic from Yoshi...The look, the shirt, sweet sweet sweet...Nick is on his way to you Yoshi...enjoy ;)...
The list certainly could go on but I don't want us to end the year on a spraying from Destiny's famous hose :lol:
Hmm what makes y'all think that it still won't happen, hmm? maybe it will, maybe it won't, one never really knows. :lol:
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