George Eads: Why He Grew 'A Horrible Mustache'

CSI Files

<font color=yellow>George Eads</font>'s (Nick Stokes) temporary mustache was one of the most talked about topics online. In the last issue of the New Zealand Herald the actor finally explained why he grew it.

"I grew a horrible moustache," the actor said. "I quit smokin' and you get pretty wound up wanting a cigarette, you know, you just want to pick a fight. I guess I grew the moustache sayin', 'Bring it on man'."

Nick Stokes has been through the ringer on CSI, from getting a gun pointed at him to being buried alive, but Nick's resilience is one of the many traits Eads admires in him. "I'm jealous of his courage," he said. "These jobs in real life can be quite horrible. So if in any way I can make these people look cool or draw attention to the profession to make people want to go do it, or somehow thank these service industry people who make $40,000 a year, I'll do it."

This dedication last season put the actor in a small plexiglass box for the episode "Grave Danger," a stunt that resulted in a lot of back and joint aches. But for Eads, it's all part of the job.

"It's a beautiful thing, believe me, there's no complaints here. Without a wife and a family of my own as yet it is my family and my life, I dedicate myself to it. But it is frustrating having an ensemble of eight and going to work for 10 hours and maybe having a couple of lines. The challenge for me is to make an impact when I'm there."

As for the mustache, or 'pornstache', as the fans have baptized it, Eads joked it might make another appearance. "If they [the fans] really hate it enough, then I'll grow it again for them. Just for a couple episodes. If they hate it nice and proper."

Visit the New Zealand Herald to read the rest of this lengthy interview.<center></center>
I am so glad he decided to get rid of the 'stache. He is experiencing an Eric Szmanda phase it seems, as he is going through many facial appearances. Now if he could only get rid of that hair-do.
Ha ha, I have been waiting for an article like this. That's funny. :lol: :lol: Cudos to George for quitting smoking. And that would be soo funny now if the Stache made a repeat apperance, just because we hate it. :lol: :lol: That will be absolutly hillarious. :p I'm with George, "Bring it on!!" I can't wait for Daddy's Little Girl tonight, and I can't wait to see what happens the rest of the season, from the sounds of this article, the entire rest of the season could be very interesting. Again I say "Bring it on!!!" :lol: :lol: :D

I'm SO happy he quit smoking!! YAY GEORGE, I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA. yeah. sorry. (coughs)
Well, as an ex-smoker myself (and one who didn't have the option of growing an obnoxious lip covering :p ) I highly commend him on beating a nasty addiction. I guess if it was a choice between growing a stache and gaining weight, Life In Hollywood would dictate that the stache would be the lesser of the two evils. (And easier to get rid of later, too...)

But let us speak of it no more, we don't want to "encourage" him while he's still having nic fits... ("Bring it on"...try cold turkeying cigs for the EIGHTH time, moving to an unfamiliar city and dealing with PMS, all at once. Bring THAT on, hunky-pie! :D )

Ah, as long as he knows it's the moustache we didn't like and not him personally, I think it'll be OK.

Moustache or no, we'll watch him either way. ;)
I'd rather him sport a handle bar beard then being a smoker. Congrats to him though for quitting smoking!
If we hate it nice and proper? I think we have established that we hated it, all nice and proper. Now, if George grows it again; we'll all know it is a definate shout out to us fans. :lol:
Kudos to him for quitting smoking and bravo to him as well for being a good sport about fan hatred of the 'stache! :lol:
I give him props for quitting smoking. It's no easy feat, but he managed to do it so kudos to him. As for the moustache...OMG, I hope it doesn't make an appearance yet again...but what's with his recent hairstyle????
Apparently he's aware that people referred to it as the pornstache. That's hilarious. I'm glad to hear that he quit smoking and that he's, as someone said, being a good sport about the mustache hatred. Here's hoping it never reappears.