Gary Dourdan & Eric Szmanda CMA awards

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Poop! I missed Eric! :mad: I was switching between SVU and the ACMA's. Grrr. Now I regret it.

All I wanted to do was watch Carrie sweep the competition and watch Kelly and Reba perform.

And I squeed like a little fangirl when Gary came on. :lol:
Clarrisani said:
I'll head over to the LJ once I get home from work. Can't get enough Eric pictures, and I have to agree about the video. Wouldn't mind seeing some footage of both Eric and Gary since I doubt very much they'll screen the awards here in Australia. I'll have to check it out though.

Yay. If I find video I'll post it over there. And try to link it here.

If someone find video of Eric could you please u2u me. I would love ya forever.
Maryse said:
i liked Eric's hair...he changes it all the times

he was gone too :lol:quick...
It really hasn't changed in a long time. It's just gone from long to short.

But this, shorter, soft spikes. Oh god, it's perfect.
This is why I sometimes wish I lived in the USA. So I could watch these stuff, extras to the show, that I will just LOVE :rolleyes: Anyway, thanks for posting the pictures, it's good to know that at least some of us have this kind of opportunities ;)
I spotted Gary, mom pointed Eric out. "Hey isn't that another CSI guy?" lol. 'Cause she was actually watching, I was reading and not paying attention during that part. I don't like country much but she loves it. I loved Gary's bit, with the "CSI Style" and the crack about the cuffs. Eric was good too though I don't remember as much of him as I do Gary :(
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