Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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Ohhhhh, my god!

these are amazing!
that vein sticking out of his right arm on that last pic is amazing...
he looks good with longer hair, he looks better with sideburns and he looks AMAZING with stubble!
Wow Natty... duck because I'm gonna tackle you. Thnx so much for your post Sweety, ... :lol: Haven't seen it yet because of working overtime. Isn't he just adorable in black? Darn... if I only could just get a warrant, he'd be all mine (although I don't mind charing with you Taylor/Gary Girls, the more the merrier *(?))*. Scuse me for grammtical mistakes. Yummy, just what a girl needs after a hard days work. :devil: :devil: Well one more day and I'm off again... wonder what we can do with these pics.
CSISenna said:
Isn't he just adorable in black?

GUH! your not kidding!
helooks do darn delectable....ahaah, i stole johnny depps quote, *dances inside* I'm way to exited for 'Down the rabbit hole'
Mac in Black is allmost too much for my fragile soul!

"Here comes Mac in Black, New York investigator..." :devil:
*Jools knocks over Nat* Oops I want quick enough :lol:

Hey guys im off to post some MIA/NYC-NONSTOP i the Mac thred so go check them out!!
Hello everyone ! I'm a huge Gary fan ever since Yr 9 english when we watched Of Mice and Men :p after that I became obsessed :lol:
Me too it was a great excuse to buy the dvd and we watched Apollo 13 in physics and Forrest Gump in History so my school days were filled with Gary :lol:

Gary Sinise Through the Years.

Light my Fire

Okay Ladies, these are two of several video's I've made of Gary. They are a couple months old, but still great. All credit for pics, go to GarySiniseDaily
i watched "Truman" in history, "Of Mice and Men" in english lit.
"Forrest Gump" In R.E
"Mission to Mars" In Physics and then last but certainly not least "The Stand" In English a-level

i think were actually about to watch "My Name is Bill W" and "George Wallace" in history, i think both...maybe jus the latter though :D

how cool is school?

speaking of school, i have to thank school ever so much!!

we went on a school trp to Gloucestershire, England. and it just so happens that at the time, he was there doing a gig with the LT. Dan Band. and i bumped into lucky was that?
i got to meet the hunk in person and believe me...he's better in real life, he also smells fantastic!!! and he can play that bass really wreally well :D

To Morgan Thanks! Take Care! Gary Sinise
although that looks more like Megan ...but it's okay cuz he probably didn'tunderstand a word i said because i got a little...shall we say, exited aahahah! :lol::lol: but i forgive him, hell i'll change my name to Megan if he wants...I'd change it to Daisy if it keeps him happy!
The gig, stolen from :devil:
ohhhh, ahaha...i will!

i registered on the LT dan band fanlisting so i get emails every month telling me all the latest gossip!

it's fab!

but yes, i shall mention it when it happens

p.s i know you dont hate me really ;)
bumble_bee89 said:
we went on a school trp to Gloucestershire, England. and it just so happens that at the time, he was there doing a gig with the LT. Dan Band. and i bumped into lucky was that?
i got to meet the hunk in person and believe me...he's better in real life, he also smells fantastic!!! and he can play that bass really wreally well :D

:eek: You met him ! It made me laugh when you said he smells fantastic :lol: I can't believe he was in England ! When was this ?
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