Gary #4....Soooooo Nibble Worthy

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Gary Films

Well I have:-
Gentlemans Game - good film and a lovely performance by Gary.
Midnight Clear - EXCELLENT movie Gary is great in this.
That Championship Season - another ensemble film Gary plays the drunk very well.
Forrest Gump we all know this one.
Ransom - OMG bad guy Gary he is HOT in this one and so damn good as the bad guy.
Green Mile, Quick and the Dead, (He is just in these two for a few minutes.)
It's The Rage made up of mini stories about rage and guns, Gary's character is an unbalanced geek.
Impostor (Very THUD worthy.. :D),
Of Mice and Men - we all know this one.
Appolo 13 - we all know this one as well.
Mission 2 Mars - One of my favs but then I am a Sci Fi nut, Human Stain - Worth it just to see him dance with Anthony Hopkins,
The Forgotten - worth it for Gary with glasses,
The Big Bounce - Not in it much and the film is boring when he's not on screen,
Fallen Angel (another THUD worthy film.),
The stand - Who couldnt love East Texas,
Albino Alligator - Great performance from Gary but comes with a tissue warning..

My recs for ones you havent seen, well he is great in them all but Midnight Clear, That Championship Season for great drama. Or Fallen Angel, Impostor for some escapisim and great looking Gary. :D
Fruitbat, that's essentially the same list I put together for Natsky, :lol: made me look twice, that's for sure :p

Anyhoo, a few initial thoughts here...

> The Stand - best part of the series, also much fun to read the book with him in mind
> Mission to Mars - lots of screen time, and his voice is particularly melting when he's talking whatsername from going after Tim Robbins' character - if I had that voice calling me out of the ether, I'd be back in a heartbeat :p
> Forrest Gump - best part of a long, good movie. Gary on the mast is killer :lol:
> Of Mice and Men - classic
> Human Stain - he's great in it, essentially narrates the whole thing, is scruffy more often than not, and yes, has an extended dance sequence with Anthony Hopkins :D Ed Harris was also very good.
> Imposter, for many stated obvious reasons. Was originally going to be only a short film, but someone thankfully gave the world an extra hour's worth of Gary running about without a shirt :p Well done, and a must have for all Gary fans.
> Apollo 13 - he's great, the movie's great. 'nuff said.
> Gentleman's Game - a small, understated film, but well written, and well worth watching.
> Ransom, Snake Eyes, some bad-ass Gary; Reindeer Games? Not a fan of Gary with long hair, but worth it to see him beat the crap outta Ben Assfleck :lol: he's about the only redeeming feature of that one, sorry
> Fallen Angel - he's great, it's a lovely little christmas film, understated and quiet, and very well done, and now a staple of holiday flicks; the whole cast is very very good, rent it or see it if ya can
> The Forgotten - wish he had more screen time.
> Open Season was fun, worth seeing just to visualize him voicing the character :lol:

I've been trying to track down Midnight Clear for a long time now. Someday, it too, will be mine :lol:

That's a few, just off the cuff :p
Thanks for the lists guy :D

I tryed finding Fallen Angel- Tryed and failed!!

By the way I bring gifts....




I love the third one!!! I've never seen it before but I love it!!:D
Ummmm, lovely pics guys!

Guess what i'm listening to whilst posting on this thread?

The 'Of Mice And Men' by Gary himself!!

his voice is A-MAZ-ING!! *guhhhhh*
For a very special someone, a wall I made, very first one, to cheer some hard days. Working on a Mac one next.

This one's for you! :D

I know you've seen it already hon, but here it is again, you know who he's pointing at ;)
OMG El, that's so HOT!!!! :devil: And she'll be ssssssssoooooooo pleased. And so am I. Can't wait to see your next one, you should put 'em up in the WP Thread. Luvya both :lol: :p :lol:
Oooooooooh!!! look at all the lovely Gary's running around. Awesome pics guys. Jools and El, love ya;s and El that is one wall I will never tire of looking at.

See you all tomorrow , and with some new pics :)
Runs and hugs Natty back. Missed you too :)

I will be so happy to get home in the morning and post pics again. I missed you guys :)

EDIT: for pics



Credit goes to GSD(Gary Sinise daily)
^^^Definetely Luving... Gosh I just can't get enough of Gary these days. That man is oh so HOT. Keep them coming :lol: :lol: :lol:
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