Freedom of Speech

just thought of an example, would you all consider this under 'free speech' and thus the people be allowed to continue saying this:
i dont know if its a very localized thing, but people in my university and others in ontario will say if they have a hard test or course coming up 'this test is going to rape me' i find this saying highly inappropriate and in poor taste. besides the obvious missuse of the word, it could be very offensive to a person who has actually experienced such an attack.
so are these people just exercising their free speech, or should they be expected to stop using this saying for fear of offending people?
I think, while the term is indeed of poor taste, it's still just a word. It's not meant as an offense to actual victims of rape, as far as I undestand.
People often use inappropriate words to express strong feelings. I would categorize that example as something similar as the F word. It's vulgar and a little disrespectful, but it doesn't really restrict other people's freedom or personality.
You can offend people (unintentionally) in many ways. You should chose your words carefully when complaining about things but you can't always tread on eggshells just because someone might get hurt by something you say.
I bet those guys you refer to are just being careless about their choice of words, that's immature but not really a danger.
However if you know anyone who is seriously offended by it (or you yourself feel that way) I suggest you ask them politely to find a better way of cursing their tests, explain your reasons, they might understand. All in life is about compromise.
Yeah, poor taste words are evil. I know I use that word sometimes with people's names (since it rhymes with the word that was originally used in that sentence... I mean Finnish)

but would never use it out in public.
Well, it may be bad taste but that doesn't mean that's enough reason to tell someone they cannot let out their anger by cursing. I know its rude, but they have the right to do it, it's not like murdering someone out of anger.

Yeah Neo-Nazi's are everywhere. I find it funny that people use the term "anti-Semite"... I mean Arabs are Semites too.. so if an Arab was anti-semite, they hate themselves? It's more of anti-Zionist. No hatred towards the Jews, just the Zionists for stealing land... and I think everyone should have the right to speak out against that. I do it everyday and there is no force strong enough to stop me. That is my right and I will do it as long as I want, and if the Zionists don't like it, well, frankly, they can bang their heads to the wall of their choice, I'm expressing myself and no one has the right to shut me up. As long as you're not killing innocent people, what the heck is wrong with expressing your anger or your joy or simply your religious views freely?

Yeah kids shouldn't watch porn, but when their parents or siblings make out in front of them, I think that's much more than they'd get from tv, so it's basically "same shit, different ass" :lol:. Kids should be just that - KIDS. Why make them grow up decades before they have to. That banana/condom ad was stupid, it's like they want to make life even more difficult for parents raising a child in the year 2006.