Frank Tripp Appreciation Thread

Why do some episodes have Frank in police uniform and others in detective suits? Was he demoted/ promoted? I must have missed something!! please help!!
Re: Frank Tripp

Welcome to the Miami Forum, dougalmacflurry. :)

He was promoted to Seargent, at which time he was required to work a certain number of hours/weeks in uniform as part of the promotion.

Also, we have an 'I Have an Episode/Season Question Thread availible to you should you have further questions about the show. :)
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Re: Frank Tripp

Oh Goody!
A thread for my sexy sergeant!
Isn't Frank gold?
"Don't you ever step on my investigation again!"
Don't you love the big guy?
Re: Frank Tripp

We actually have a Rex Linn/Frank Tripp Appreciation Thread if you're interested in bumping it back up (admittedly, it's been inactive since 07) for some discussion about everyone's favourite Seargent. :D If not, this one can be turned into a new appreciation thread for him.
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Re: Frank Tripp

Inactive for over a year?
I can't be the only Frank fan here!
Anyone else have a favorite Tripism?
Re: Frank Tripp

Oooh, I love me some Francis!! :D
His little witty remarks always give me a smile. I just love him. Humor aside, I think he's someone who could also be played very compassionate if given the right story - I'd really like to see that at least once; maybe a small side story with his children, or a girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, close friend...anything...anything. *hint hint*
I'd also like to add that he needs a centric episode. Brass get's episodes! Flack get's episodes! Why not Frank?!?
I also want to see him interacting more with Ryan or Natalia - they seem to click well in an odd little way. :thumbsup:
Re: Frank Tripp

oh ohhhh, I love the texas guy :D
He deserves a storyline, I'd love to "meet" his children ;d
Now, I'm wondering, are his kids like the father? Do they have funny quotes like him? :lol: I just love his quotes :lo:
Re: Frank Tripp

Oooh, I love me some Francis!! :D

I forgot that his real name was Francis! Thank you! I love me some Francis too ;)

He has the BEST quotes. Seriously, even better than Horatio. Horatio's can be amusing because of their stupidity (no offense to Horatio fans, I like him too, I just get a kick out of him). Frank's are amusing because they're just outright FUNNY.

And now, for a Frank quote:

Frank: Where's your wristband?
Cyrus Everton: I lost it.
Frank: Do I have "stupid" written all over my bald head?
Re: Frank Tripp

The only Frank quote I can recall right now is when Eric and Calleigh are sitting on the sidewalk, having a personal talk, and Frank walks up behind them and asks, "Well, who organized this picnic?" He startles the hell out of both E/C. Calleigh's clearing her throat trying to get back into professional mode and Eric looks like he wants to wring Frank's neck.

He has a knack for great lines. I love me some Frank! :devil:
Re: Frank Tripp

He has the BEST quotes. Seriously, even better than Horatio. Horatio's can be amusing because of their stupidity (no offense to Horatio fans, I like him too, I just get a kick out of him). Frank's are amusing because they're just outright FUNNY.

And now, for a Frank quote:

Frank: Where's your wristband?
Cyrus Everton: I lost it.
Frank: Do I have "stupid" written all over my bald head?

ITA! Frank get's the best one liners.
For example:

Frank: "Yeah? Well I can't wait to hear the magical tale of how your kidney ended up in another man's body." :p
Re: Frank Tripp

Oooh, I love me some Francis!! :D
His little witty remarks always give me a smile. I just love him. Humor aside, I think he's someone who could also be played very compassionate if given the right story - I'd really like to see that at least once; maybe a small side story with his children, or a girlfriend, ex-girlfriend, close friend...anything...anything. *hint hint*
I'd also like to add that he needs a centric episode. Brass get's episodes! Flack get's episodes! Why not Frank?!?
I also want to see him interacting more with Ryan or Natalia - they seem to click well in an odd little way. :thumbsup:

I love to watch Frank and Ryan. There little "digs" at each other are always so funny and I never sense any real anger or hostility like I do between Ryan and Eric.

The last time I saw Frank and Natalia in a scene together they were gold! :) I totally and completely enjoy them everytime they are together. (Eva seems to shine with just about everyone on the show.)

I also really enjoy Frank and Horatio. I was sincerely ticked in "Resurrection" for two reasons. I can really understand why Horatio didn't take Eric into his confidence. But I think that Horatio and Frank are close enough that Frank should have been included. If that wasn't possible for their storyline, then we should have gotten more of Frank regarding his reaction to Horatio's "death" and we should have gotten to see Horatio explain things to Frank when the whole matter was resolved.

Caruso and Linn have a great chemistry and it's obvious in interviews that they get along very well and have a great deal of respect for each other. Horatio and Frank have come a long, long way since that first episode together. :)

Frank definitely deserves his own episode. He has for a long time.
More Frank fans! Yes!
I love Tripism!
Keep them coming!
I love that kidney one! Ewwwwwwwwww!
Another great Tripism...

Frank: (pulls out a gun from the filing cabinet) Nine millimeter filed under S for stupid.
Horatio: He's lying.
Frank: Of course he's lying, he opened his mouth.

Frank:So, what were the Mala Noche packin' up in here? Brand new putters and they're heavy!
Calleigh: Hey! That's evidence.'t help my game anyway. Frank:Tough day? [scoffs] You don't know tough. [chuckles] Bout time one of 'em talked back to ya.

Frank: Come on, don't you guys have some gizmo to track this thing? That blue light with the buzzers and bells or that mass-spectro-detecto-whatever-you-call-it thingy?

Hammett: Is my client now a suspect in a murder investigation?
Frank: We're sure as hell not here to sip tea, Hammett.

Frank: The police report said you left the keys in the ignition outside the bank - did you leave your brain in the glove compartment, too? I mean, who does that?

Frank: I gotta nickels' worth of advice for you, pal. When a woman says, "get lost," get lost. Find another one, end of story.